Once again, one of my faithful readers has come through with a VERY IMPORTANT Nooz story about…
Could it be part of a sinister plot, coordinated from afar by Henrietta (or the bear formerly known as Hank), who now lives at a luxury resort for wayward bears? Is there an army of bears going around the towns near Lake Tahoe putting up posters admonishing people NOT to use bear-proof receptacles for their garbage? Maybe leaving a double cheese, double pepperoni pizza on top of the garbage can sometimes?
But seriously, feeding wildlife is a bad idea. Especially bears. Would you want to wake up and have Frank or Mikey looking in your bedroom window, wondering where breakfast was?
In other NooZ, things are heating up in the trials of Mittens. Frank, Bikkie, and Pookie are STILL on their adventure, and I promise I’ll get back to it soon. I’m also doing my Year in Reviewover on Substack so go check it out!
Till later…be the bear! Bob T pass the pizza Panda
Thanks and a Roll of Honor mention to my brother for alerting me to this important story!
I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure it is going to get worse before it gets better. Thanks for being here with me. I still don’t know what’s going to happen over at Substack, but for now I’m staying put, until a plan becomes clear. Whatever that means.
But no matter what, My Brain will Always Be on Pandas
There have been wins, there have been losses. We have lost our beloved DC pandas, but hopefully more will follow. We just have to get through this year. Fortunately, we have the Pookies in Seattle to help us through. I hope I can get in more often to see them.
Have a fun and safe New Year! This is my last ‘toon of the year (although the Panda Kindergarten might pop in for a New Year’s Eve Encore Presentation) It’s been a true joy to have you all here with me. Your continued presence does me more good than you can possibly know. Thanks to all who have reached out to tell me that the pandas do the same for you. It really means a lot to hear from you.
Most of my faithful friends and readers here at The Panda Chronicles know that the real life Mei Xiang and Lun Lun are half sisters, sharing their dad, I believe. While Mei Xiang is the picture of responsible motherhood, I somehow always picture Lun Lun as the more flamboyant sister, who has taken on the persona of a southern belle, always sending her last cubbies, the somewhat…um…problematic Six and Sebben off to her sister’s house.
I mean, Meizzy has all these other bears and odd characters hanging out at the DC Panda House, so what does it matter if Lun Lun’s more …um…adventurous daughters are added to the mix, bless their hearts?
Things are about to get interesting down in Pandalanta! Are they ready for it? I guess we’ll see!
Be the Bear! Bob T Panda
Be sure to check out things over at Substack! Six and Sebben are featured in honor of their 7th birthday!
The GQP are in equal parts enraging and hilarious. A recent news story about ol’ Smokey Eye Sarah, revealed that on the website, a requirement for people wishing jobs or to be on commissions, must write a 500 word essay about what they admired most about their dominatrix…um…I mean governor.
As you might imagine, Pinky had some thoughts.
It really should be illegal to steal ideas from a panda.
Be the Bear Bob T what do you like most about me Panda
Bikkie has the important job of narrating the previous events that brought us to where we are now!
Just a reminder that it is DC Panda Birthday week over at my Substack encampment! Pop on over there if you haven’t already, and read a nice little assortment of ‘toons about the panda kids!
I mean, who wouldn’t? What with the potential of Georgia election interference and possible RICO charges landing on the sculptured fluff of TFG’s head, is it any surprise that Nixon’s Ghost has made yet another appearance?
Honestly, it is a mystery to me on how we are going to get out of this mess. Naively, I thought when Mittens lost in 2020, he would blow off some steam and then fade into oblivion. Hoo boy! What the hell have I been smoking? Nothing, that’s what. I’m not sure how I am going to survive this next two years. Pass the cake!
Birthday week is coming up for Pinky, Bubba, and Bikkie! I have not figured out what I will do to celebrate, but I might run some of my favorite ‘toons of the early birthday seasons of the three younger DC cubbies over at my Substack installation.
Be the Bear Bob T we will get through this somehow Panda
We can only hope there will be consequences for Mittens and all his minions. In the meantime, another career criminal has been taken the streets. Or is that trails? (Gift Link)
Will Mittens’ lawyers show up as required to Judge Chutkan’s court? I guess we’ll see. meanwhile, Hank the Tank (aka Henrietta) is going to face some consequences!
I bet she’ll be interviewed on ZooNooZ first, though!
Hey everyone, friends to bears and all. Popping in on a Friday with a sad announcement. I just learned that my dear friend, friend to bears, and especially friend to Princess Pinky Bao Bao has departed from this world.
Judy Young was among the first of the panda people I met IRL when I stepped out from behind the ‘toons to go to the National Zoo to meet the real life panda fans for the first time in 2012. Tai Shan had already moved to China. Pinky Bao Bao had not yet been born. I remember coming to the zoo, going to the Panda House and Cyndi Anderson picked me out of the crowd with her innate panda sense.
Judy was among the people who I met that day, there in the back room at Lillie’s restaurant, just beyond the gates of the zoo. In the 11 years since we met, Judy has been a staunch supporter of all my creative pursuits. She hosted me several times when I visited DC. She was an extremely talented photographer, and like the panda whisperer Mollie Rivera, had an unerring instinct for soulful photographs of our beloved bears.
The real world is a little poorer today. I am reminded that life can be short. That we never know when our last chance to tell someone how much they mean to us and how much they have added to our life. I am reminded that I have one last person in my corner, having been so careless as to let them slip off the earth with no word of farewell.
I hate that the pandemic years robbed me of almost 3 years of seeing my friends at zoos around the country and the world. I’m mad that I won’t get to see her when I hope to visit our pandas one last time before they go to China. I’m sad she won’t have another chance to go to China and see the pandas.
Fuck cancer.
As you know, pandas are big fans of Shakespeare.
If you feel like it, please feel free to share your thoughts and memories of Judy Young in the comments. I know I’m not alone in being devastated at the news that she is gone.
Today is the 4th of July, Independence Day for all who celebrate. It seems like we have both a lot to celebrate (TFG is NOT the “President”!!!) and much to mourn.
In the last year SCOTUS has taken a sledge hammer to rights we thought were ours for the rest of time. The right wing is doing their best to dismantle justice, education, and the right to live your life without being discriminated against. Smarter people than me have explained what is happening. as always, I recommend Joyce Vance, Heather Cox Richardson, Teri Kanefield, the Strict Scrutiny podcast, #Sisters in Law podcast and The Daily Beans (and their associated Clean up on Aisle 45 & Jack) if you want to know what’s going on.
As I write this on the evening of July 3rd, people are setting off fireworks, which I can only pray are being set off over the water instead of the bone dry woods surrounding my house. This is probably what it sounds like in Kyiv. If my house is consumed by flames, at least I will have scheduled this post! I’ll let you know!
Democracy is not a spectator sport. At the very least, we need to vote. If you have the time and energy, see how you can get involved. Check out the very excellent organization Run for Something and Vote Save America.
Panda on!
And since it’s our country’s birthday, we should have CAKE!!!!