Category Archives: the essential pandaness of being

An interlude with ice cream

Oh… the world has been too much with us lately. So many bad things happening in so many places. All I want to do is crawl under the covers, binge watch entire seasons of The Gilmore Girls (how did I not know of this show’s existence before???) and eat a really big bowl of ice cream. What we need now, more than ever, are pandas being pandas.

For those of you who are fans of watching the actual pandas via the panda cam at the Smithsonian National Zoo, you know that the grown up pandas daily get a treat of frozen fruit juice with fruit and carrots and other vegetables frozen into them. Mei Xinag is well known for not sharing her treats (and you wonder where Pinky learned the “no sharing” thing? It was Mom, all the way,) and not only does she not share her treats, she will steal the treats of any panda cub under her control.

Well, two can play at that game.

What goes around, comes around...

What goes around, comes around…

Be the Bear
Bob (paws off my ice cream) T Panda

Where is Mittens

Something happened at the debate between Pinky, Bob and Mittens and nobody will tell us what happened. Where IS Mittens? Investigations are now underway, in an attempt to get to the bottom of his mysterious disappearance. Pinky isn’t talking and Mehitabel is claiming debate moderator privilege. Is that a real thing?

Uh oh. Is Bubba about to rat someone out?

Uh oh. Is Bubba about to rat someone out?

If you have any information leading to the return of Mittens, we hope you’ll just keep it to yourself call the #WhereIsMittens hotline at 1-800-BAD-CATZ

Bubba better hope that Pinky is not listening in on the Panda House Party line. I don’t think Pinky will take kindly to any perceived disloyalty.

If you are enjoying these cartoons and wish you could read a whole lot of them at once, even during a power outage, consider adding The Panda Chronicles books to your personal collection! you can find them here! Your book purchases help support The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire! (That’s me!)

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda


Mr. Bun Returns

I know it has taken a little too long for the return of Mr. Bun but in ‘toon time, it has been no time at all. And isn’t it wonderful  that Pinky is so technologically tuned in? Do we know where Mittens has been poofed to? Do we care? No, all we care about is that Mr. Bun returns to the place he belongs…with Pinky.

Of course,  if Pinky DOES become president, how will it look if she brings her stuffie bunny to the inauguration?

Oh, Mr. Bun! Where have you been?

Oh, Mr. Bun! Where have you been?

As a side note, we’ve been having a few technical difficulties over here, which for the moment seem to have resolved themselves. (That’s how I usually resolve technical difficulties: shut down laptop, go to dinner, have a cuppycake and hope that whatever was wrong no longer is when I turn on the computer again. ) For some reason I was not able to upload today’s new cartoon, and I was afraid I was going to have to figure out some low tech work around – print and deliver personally to hundreds of people around the world, perhaps? But while that might have been lots-o-fun, the time required and the cost of world-wide personal delivery was beyond my resources. So I am happy to report that the problem seems to have gone away by itself. Huzzah!

We will have more from Mr. Bun this Wednesday, and then who knows what I will have prepared for you for next week. The Tour de France is coming up soon, so we will revisit the danger of selfies at the Tour, as well as other selfie hazards in Fabulous Furry Friday’s encore extravaganza!

Don’t forget to…

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

An Embarrassment Of Pandas

Recently, it was brought to my attention, that the collective noun for a group of pandas is an embarrassment of pandas. I find this highly suspect, not to mention somewhat demeaning to pandas. Is this a ploy by certain political factions to imply that pandas are not fit for office? The Hmmmph! factor for this little piece of so called news is extremely high. What’s so embarrassing about being a panda, I’d like to know! well, yes, we are kind of messy eaters, and not much to brag about in the romance department, but we are awfully cute, don’t you think?

Meanwhile happy happy happy news from Belgium yesterday, where Hao Hao and Xing Hui are the proud parents of a bouncing baby cub! Fingers and paws are being crossed that the little pink bundle of joy survives its first days and weeks. Panda cubs weigh about four ounces at birth and have no fur!

So to celebrate this blessed event in Belgium, I thought I would share some ‘toons about….baby pandas! Huzzah! Let’s start with my first baby panda, the ineffable Wu Self!

"Howdy do! I'm Mr. Wu! Who are you?"

“Howdy do! I’m Mr. Wu! Who are you?”

"Wu calls his dance, 'Ode to a Weaf' "

“Wu calls his dance, ‘Ode to a Weaf’ “

Moving on, we have the early days of her pink (but slightly dangerous) self, Princess Pinky!

Pinky tests her powers....

Pinky tests her powers….

And who could forget the early days of Meihem?

The first appearance of the Meihems!

The first appearance of the Meihems!

And how happy we were when Bubba arrived in DC…

These paws are made for walking....eventually.

These paws are made for walking….eventually.

Feed me, Mama!

Feed me, Mama!

Don’t forget to tune in Sunday when we continue with our coverage of the Mr. Bun Disappearance!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda


The Ransom of Mr. Bun

Oh dear. It seems that Mr. Bun is missing. What is Pinky to do? Mr. Bun has been a comfort to Pinky and even though she has “allowed” Bubba to sometimes play with Mr. Bun (NOT a bribe! No!) But where has he gone? Has he left of his own accord? (Pinky does seem to have a number of magical possessions, after all) Will Pinky hold Bubba responsible for his safe return? Will there be a ransom note?

Will he even return at all?

And meanwhile at an undisclosed location in Canada....

And meanwhile at an undisclosed location in Canada….

I thought maybe it would be a good thing to have some cartoons about adorable but mischievous panda cubbies before we unleash Mittens the Cat on all of you. Enjoy the reprieve. You’re welcome.

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday presents…

The best of Mittens the Cat! When we found out that Mittens was entering the race for president, we shook our collective heads in dismay. Hasn’t this election cycle gotten crazy enough? Fabulous Furry Friday presents: The Best of Mittens!

This. Will. Not. Stand!!!!

Ha ha! Of course it will. One thing we must remember, during this excruciating election season, and that is we need as much funny as possible, and all the better if we can make thinly veiled references (or maybe not so thinly veiled) about various political candidates. And laugh about it. Even if it’s through our grinding teeth.

For those of you who just recently joined the pandasphere, we bring you some cartoons starring Bob and Mittens from the previous presidential cycle. Pinky wasn’t even born yet, let alone vying for world domination!

Babette has her wardrobe down in honor of this important occasion.

Babette has…toned her wardrobe down in honor of this important occasion.

In the words of Winnie ther Pooh, "I think it's time for a little something.

In the words of Winnie ther Pooh, “I think it’s time for a little something. just can't trust em.

Cats….you just can’t trust em.

Remember, Mittens has “excellent fur.”

Does being endangered have NO privileges?

Does being endangered have NO privileges?

Keep cool, cat, and don't go blaming women for stuff. That is SO not the way to get votes...

Keep cool, cat, and don’t go blaming women for stuff. That is SO not the way to get votes…Endangered Species card? #DealMeIn

Hmmmm…I think that the raw materials to transform Mittens into the personality of one of the current candidates are all there. stay tuned! It’s going to get might pandy around here!

Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda

The Toronto Panda Twins Endorse…

Rumors are flying around the headquarters of The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire! Will Bob T concede the election? Does Princess Pinky have something up her sleeve? Will Bubba ever get Pinky to quit calling him “Boo Boo”? But the big news is that the Toronto Panda Twins are making their public debut on March 12! And they have made their decision as to whom to support in their neighbor nation to the south’s race to the top…

Be the bear, eh?

Be the bear, eh?

I don’t know why they don’t want to support a mature panda with lots of experience…um…doing stuff, but there you have it. If you planning on visiting the Toronto Twinkies, please send pictures to us here. and maybe you could give them a Why Not Vote 4 Bob flag. Just saying.

Be the Bear

Kung Fu Panda revisited

Oh me, oh my, Friday night I went to see Kung Fu Panda 3 and the bears did not disappoint! If you haven’t seen the movie yet, (and I strongly urge you to go right this minute) and you don’t want to read any spoilers, I suggest you skip this section and head on down to today’s ‘toon, so I don’t ruin the experience for you.

I have to admit, I was a fledgling Pandaholic when the first Kung Fu Panda movie came out, and to put it mildly, I was skeptical, if not downright dismissive of the idea. Then I went to see it and all I can say is WOW! Goofy, but lovable Panda Po aside, the movie is a visual treat and movie 3 was no exception.

The film team even visited the panda kindergarten and went to the Chimelong Panda reserve to meet the worlds first surviving panda triplets, Mengmeng, Shuaishuai and Kuku (also known as Pinky’s minions) and gave them a cameo role in the movie.

Po travels to his long lost, unremembered home with his real panda dad to gain the vital panda knowledge needed to fight this movies’ supremely evil villain, and in the process discovers his roots and a whole lot of (wait for it) adorable baby pandas, not to mention a female panda that appears to have studied at Babette de Panda’s charm academy for young pandas ladies.

I laughed, I cried, I gasped with amazement. I can’t end this review without mentioning the incredible lushness and visual excitement of this movie. As a fine artist (besides being a panda satirist) I love movies that capitalize on relevant art styles and references. Nods to traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy, not to mention amazing color combinations and dynamic compositions make this movie an aesthetic, as well as a pandarific experience. If you can see it on a big screen, do it. Do it now.

And now, on with our Sunday feature ‘toon…

Huzzah! Pandas save the day!

Huzzah! Pandas save the day!

Hope you enjoyed today’s cartoon, and do go see Kung Fu Panda 3. Heck. see all of them again! I know that I will! and I bet Po will get an Oscar tonight for best panda in a dramatic role, don’t you think?

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Be the Bear

I just listened to an interview with the guy who played the grizzly in the movie The Revenant, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and ahem…THE BEAR!!!!! Let me say right here that no matter how many well deserved Academy Awards this movie wins this weekend, I have no intention whatsoever of seeing this movie. This guy studied a lot of bear attacks, so he could…um…be the bear.

It was really interesting to hear about all of the preparation and mechanics/ technological magic that went in to making the scenes with the bear attack so realistic. If you’re interested, you might be able to catch the podcast on CBC’s Day Six.

However, I would never dream of boycotting movies containing …pandas. Um…KUNG FU PANDA 3!!! (which I have plans to see tonight!) 

So, in honor of both the bear (yay!!!!!) from The Revenant and the Kung Fu Pandas, here are some being the bear related cartoons for your Fabulous Furry Friday Fun!

"Is it a documentary?"

“Is it a documentary?”

Being the bears!

Being the bears!

Huzzah! Bring pandas to Washington State!

Huzzah! Bring pandas to Washington State!

Speaking of being mauled by bears...

Speaking of being mauled by bears…

Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story

Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story

And I’ll be sure to let you know what I thought of Kung Fu Panda 3 after I see it tonight. I bet is going to get an Oscar for best panda in a dramatic role!

Be the BEAR,
Bob T Panda


Smile! You’re on Pandid Camera 2

Poor Bubba. What a shock it was to find out that people had been watching him ALL. THE. TIME.  on the panda camera. Are they really allowed to do that? I’m afraid so, Bubba, and what with your sister’s presidential aspirations, not to mention your Cubby of the Year Award, you won’t have a moments privacy during your entire residence at The Pinksonian Zoo.

Between Apps on mobile devices, 24 hour panda cams, and all the videos and photos taken by visitors to the zoo, your EVERY. SINGLE. MOVE. will be recorded and commented on. Not to make you self conscious or anything.

Add to that, the time honored tradition and privilege of older children to tease, torment, and generally one up their younger siblings. Not that I know anything about this. HAHAHAHAHA! For the record, I am the put upon younger sibling. But we are all done with that, right?

I has no sekrets!!!!

I has no sekrets!!!!

Meanwhile, over on Kristen Lamb’s blog, she has been taking to task those online news sites that make a practice of not paying writers. C Hope Clark, over at Funds for Writers (one of my favorite and always read newsletters) has also addressed this extremely disturbing trend.  As a writer, painter, and cartoonist, I have come up against this idea that “if you love doing something, you should do it for free”.  Phooey on that! As both Kristen and Hope have both so eloquently said, creative people have the same bills everyone else does. We have rent, mortgages, doctor bills, need food, clothes, you name it.

Now, I post this blog for free, and you can search the archives at will. I do this willingly. You can walk into the gallery that shows my paintings and see them for free. You can even see them online. The only way I make any income is if someone buys my paintings, books, or reproductions. If that truly is not in your budget, come visit here often; visit your public library. I’ve been there and I am a great fan an user of public libraries. But if you have the wherewithal to buy books or paintings, be they mine or any of the thousands of great writers and artists out there, please do. It will be appreciated and is the only way we keep from living in a cardboard box. Visit my book page or Pandas Love Links page. And don’t support sites that make money from the work of creatives without providing compensation to those who create the content.

Be the (slightly preachy) bear!
Bob T Panda