Category Archives: the essential pandaness of being

Trick or Treat!

Or is that Trick and Trick?  Here’s one of my favorites from the archives.  Note: this cartoon was done before Princess Pinky arrived on the scene, but I think this little panda was the model for her exalted Pinkness.

Surprise! Where's my treat?

Surprise! Where’s my treat?

Note to fans of Inspector Panda, He’ll be back with the exciting continuation of The Case of the Picturesque Panda, in time for 31 Days of Pandas, coming to you LIVE! in December! That’s right, 31 whole days of panda fun. Can you stand the wait?

Be the bear, and um…wanna trade this Baby Ruth for a Dark Chocolate Milky way?
Bob T. Panda

But who WOULDN’T want a picture with a panda?

I love my readers.

They send me links to stories about pandas, or about bears, or about totally unrelated things that might need to be addressed by panda satire. For instance, the woman who was stopped going through airport security because the frosting on her cuppycake weighed more than 3 ounces. I mean…wasn’t I OBLIGATED to write a cartoon about that?

well, if I can't carry it through security, can I eat it now?

well, if I can’t carry it through security, can I eat it now?

The other day, my friend and partner in cuppycake obsession, Vicky Vladic, sent me this story about tourism in Australia.  The funny thing is, the TV spot was generated in China. You know I had to do this cartoon:

Is this a film of the pandy kindy?

Is this a film of the pandy kindy?


Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

Panda Art History…Who Knew?

I would hate to think that all those years of sleeping through paying rapt attention in Art History classes had gone to waste. Inspector Panda’s current case has therefore taken an extremely art historical turn, as if it hadn’t been traveling those roads already.

The panda kindergarten has more facets than a dodecahedron, and it turns out that they all have degrees in panda art history. Who knew? And if you are just tuning in, don’t forget to check out all the previous episodes here:

What you don't know about your favorite art museum....

What you don’t know about your favorite art museum….

And look at those stacks of paintings! Did you realize there were so many fine art pandas in existence?

And look at those stacks of paintings! Did you realize there were so many fine art pandas in existence?

Next time you are at the National Gallery, go and ask at the information desk if you can be taken to see the secret stash of paintings of pandas by all the greats of the 16th through 20th centuries. The National Gallery has a lovely Mary Cassatt that Minette modeled for. And the “Little Panda Dancer” by Edgar Degas is exquisite! Just ask at the front desk, and don’t take ‘no’ for an answer. They’re just being modest.

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Oh Come On. That’s Not a Panda

Yesterday was International Red Panda Day! And no, we don’t mean that pandas are communists. We’re talking about those cute little guys called red pandas and while they are from the same neighborhood and do have that sort of thumb thing going on, they are not closely related to giant pandas. (“Yeah”, say’s Wu. “We’re much bigger, maybe even GIANT”)


We were invited to come on board over at V Something Speaks for her celebration of Red Panda Day, but in case you didn’t go by there, here is the cartoon starring Rusty, the Red Panda who escaped from the National Zoo in Washington DC, until they finally caught up with him at Georgtown Cuppycakes have a little afternoon repast.

"They'll never catch me!"

“They’ll never catch me!”

I think Rusty is a excellent candidate to join the panda kindergarten, don’t you?

Hope you had fun on Talk Like a Pirate Day and International Red Panda Day!
Pandi-darity forever!
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda


What New Madness is This? Pandas in Turmoil?

Oh, Inspector Panda! To where is Mr. Wu running off? How has this happened?

I must digress, for a moment.

I have to blame it on a Payless Moment. Payless is one of our neighborhood grocery stores, and because we Islanders tend to hide out in the woods, sometimes we only run into each other at the grocery store, where we clog up the aisles, catching up with our friends whom we have not seen all summer. (That’s what we call a Payless moment. Mr. Badger hates them.)

So, there I am in Payless, when I catch sight of my good friend, Deb Lund, who is the very talented author of a pile of books (my favorites being the DinoSailors, All Aboard the Dino Train, and Dino Soaring…dinosaurs that could give the panda kindergarten a run for their cuppycakes) and she is  the person most responsible for my launch into kiddie-lit and without her, Pandamorphosis most likely would not exist.

In addition to being a writer, Deb is also a teacher and creativity coach. Some years back she developed these cards, which she used in her teaching, and over the years refined them and developed them as a tool for writers. They aren’t exactly writing prompts, more like things that you can use to shake up the status quo, in your life, in your story, in your painting. She finally developed them to a point where her students and writer friends were clamoring for a set of their own, and so with the help of an extremely successful Kickstarter project, she raised enough money to publish them.

Here’s how Deb describes what her cards are all about: Fiction writers are troublemakers. We create characters and get them in trouble. We’re also magicians. We pull rabbits out of hats, heroes from certain death, and stories out of thin air. We make magic by making trouble. Fiction Magic.

As one of her happy supporters, I’ve been waiting for my very own set of Fiction Magic Cards and guidebook. So, when I ran into her at the grocery store, she told me that she had just gotten a few advance sets to send out for reviews, and did I want my set now?

As luck would have it, I was stuck in a bit of a blind alley as to what was going to happen next in The Inspector Panda Case of the Picturesque Panda. I mean, I could only throw in so many Edward Hopper references, before something else would actually have to happen in my story. Thankfully, I now have my very own supply of fiction magic.  Watch out Mr. Wu! The card I pulled was Lose the Prized Possession.

Uh oh.

The panda kindergarten arrives on the scene, and...

The panda kindergarten arrives on the scene, and…

Not the tape!!!!!!

Not the tape!!!!!!

Uh oh, indeed. The cards made me do it.

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda



From the Futile Gestures Department

Okay, I know I am going to get some flack for this one, but as an endangered species, I tend to be rather skeptical of gestures that say “I’m a Sensitive New Age Guy and I really care….” but don’t actually do anything to rectify, ameliorate, or heal a past injustice.

OK, Seattle City Council. What is this gesture really going to fix?

call me a cynic, but....

call me a cynic, but….

Am I going to get in trouble for this one?

Stay tuned to find out. (The panda kindergarten says, “if you haven’t pissed someone off today, you still have work to do.”)

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

Pandas: Masters of the Pregnant Paws

**Please note: In Friday’s post, I messed up Mehitabel’s story links on Cat Stories, but now it is fixed.  You can read her story here. Or maybe the panda kindergarten is responsible for this misdeed.

The proliferation of phony panda pregnancy plots are prancing through the panda sphere.  Oh PPPah! we proclaim! These punctilious pundits are profoundly proficient in propelling poppycock pertaining to prevaricating perfidious pandas. Phooey!

Gosh, that was fun!

Everyone who knows anything about pandas, knows that not only is it notoriously difficult to get a captive panda pregnant, but also that once the deed has been done, it is impossible to tell if they actually are pregnant until the little bundle (or bundles) of joy appear. There is much real information on pseudo-pregnancy in pandas, should they care to look for it.

Of course, these journalistic faux paws make excellent fodder for panda satire, and so, we thank you for your idiotic news story. One small misstep for man, one giant leap for panda satire.

Prevaricating pandas perceived in pregnancy pastry ploy

Prevaricating pandas perceived in pregnancy pastry ploy

Meanwhile back at the ranch, Pandamorphosis is now out on iBooks and Kindle! Huzzah! You can check it out right from here! Progress is being made on Book 5 of The Panda Chronicles as is the work to make the previous books available for your Kindles, etc. Whee! Who says pandas are Luddites?

Happy Labor day to those pandanistas in the US, and to everyone else, it’s back to work with you! Tomorrow is just plain old Monday!

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda.

There’s got to be a morning after…

Cake smeared and tired, Princess Pinky and the Meihems returned to their respective corners, to calm down and…um be lectured to by their mommees.

Things got a little busy around here yesterday (don’t ask) so there is no new cartoon today, but hey! you got a new cartoon on Friday and Saturday, so pipe down over there!

More Pandamorphosis news!
The Kindle edition is now available on the Kindle store, and if you’ve bought a copy of Pandamorphosis through Amazon, past or present, you can get the Kindle version for a mere 99 cents! whee! Sort of like having your cake and eating it too.  The iBook version remains free until Monday, August 25th till 5PM Eastern time. The Kindle version is quite different than the ibook version. I had fun playing with the graphics, and would love to hear what you think about it.



But I don’t want to leave you without a Princess Pinky cartoon on this all-pinky-all-the-time Pinky Fest Birthday weekend, so here’s one of my recent faves.

Oh dear....are you going to leave her there?

Oh dear….are you going to leave her there?

More from Inspector Panda, Princess Pinky and the Meihems next week!

Keep being the bear and don’t forget to get your copy of Pandamorphosis! Huzzah!
Bob T. Panda

Yes, I am an Icon

During the great Smithsonian Smackdown, I kept flashing on that comment made so many years ago by John Lennon, when the Beatles were at the height of their popularity. During an interview, he made a comment that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus Christ, which started a storm of not so favorable opinions of the fab four.

I wanted to say (and probably did), lighten up, for crying out loud! He meant it as a joke! 

So, when Princess Pinky Bao Bao won the Smithsonian Icon contest against the American Flag and Woody Guthrie, who could blame me if that old news story went through my head?

What can I say? Princess Pinky is an icon, and it’s her birthday this week. Lighten up!

Here’s another of my favorite Princess Pinky cartoons, to help you could the hours (minutes, seconds) till Saturday.

Bao Bao in her pajamas

Just the thing for a cozy evening at home with mom and the panda cam!

Only one more shopping day!

Be the bear
Bob T. Panda

Princess Pinky Bao Bao has a birthday…

Yes, we are heading into what we like to call “high birthday season” around here, which is the week of your actual birthday.  While Pinky Bao Bao’s ACTUAL birthday is not till next Saturday, you can excuse her (and us) for getting a little excited about it, and getting an early start.

So, to get you in the mood, here are some of her feature presentation cartoons from her first year of life in The Panda Chronicles.

Such a little darling!  How could her big brother resist spoiling her?

Such a little darling! How could her big brother resist spoiling her?

Pinky tests her powers....

Pinky tests her powers….

National Zoo cub makes mom Mei Xiang disappear


Princess Pinky is fooled by Mei Xiang at the National Zoo

Oh Princess Pinky, mom has a trick or two up her paw, I think…

Princess Pinky helps with new years resolutions

You say you want a resolution, well, you know, it is hard to change a bear….

Stay tuned for more Pinky next week (sort of a Pinky film festival, you know?)

Meanwhile back at the panda ranch, we were inspired by the upcoming Dot Day celebration on September 15th to create a new ‘Celebridot.” Don’t know what Dot Day is? International Dot Day is a celebration of creativity that was inspired by Peter H. Reynolds’ book “The Dot”. This site is filled with other authors, illustrators, and celebrities who share in the dream of a more creative world. (from the Celebridots website) You can learn more about Dot Day here.

There has been much on the news and in social media this week about depression, in the wake of Robin Williams’ death. Creative people are often prone to depression.  While engaging in creative pursuits cannot stop or eliminate depression and despair, having a creative outlet can help to  channel these feelings, and give a person a little breathing space till the blackness lifts. I am here today, partly because I had a creative outlet, and my creativity was encouraged to grow by some teachers and other adults in my life.  Do check out the Dot Day website, and then see if there is something you can contribute. Even encouraging one child you know makes a difference in the world.

My dot for 2014. What a great tradition!

My dot for 2014. What a great tradition!

Be the bear!
Bob T. Panda