Category Archives: the essential pandaness of being

What Kind of Cuppycake are You?

Alert reader Marie Lamb sent me this quiz via fezbook, because as a loyal reader of The Panda Chronicles, she knows that cuppycakes are near and dear to all the pandas here. Of course it inspired a cartoon.  How could it not?

I have extra frosting!

I have extra frosting!

(By the way, when I took the quiz, it turns out that I am a lemon cuppycake)


Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda

Another Fabulous Furry Friday

Ah, what to post, what to post…that is the question.  Time to get out the darts and throw it at my computer screen and see where it sticks.

pandas in the laboratory

Can you calibrate the cuppycake?

I am such a dork.

I am such a dork.

I know… I will take this opportunity to share these cartoons I did for Pandas International, for their programs at several of their annual auction events.  If you don’t already know about Pandas International,  you might want to check them out and send a little support their way.  They raise money to help actual pandas (as opposed to imaginary ones) and… without actual pandas, there could be no panda satire.

Think about that!

Keep being the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

Road Trip

Oh my, I am an irresponsible panda satirist.  Here I sent Pinky and the Mei-hem twins, Bert and Ernie, off on a road trip in the little yellow car to see Mr. Wu (clear on the other side of the country) and have we looked in on them since they zoomed off, leaving Mei Xiang in a cloud of dust? No we have not! (And then we wrote that terrible run on sentence…what were we thinking?)

Fortunately, thanks to GPPS (Global Panda Positioning Satellite) we have located the girls who are not quite to Pan Diego as yet.

One of the little known wonders of the world.

One of the little known wonders of the world.

On the road again….

Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda


Do Vampire Pandas Exist?

We don’t know for sure, but there have been rumors of a community of vampire pandas circulating around the internet.  Where are these vile rumors coming from? Hmmm… I have no idea.

Evidence of a vampire panda infestation primarily consists of a number of tubes of frosting with fang marks in them, with all the frosting being slurped out.

Seems pretty conclusive to me.

This is very scary, don't you think?

This is very scary, don’t you think?

This cartoon is posted by request of Vicky V., who knows something about frosting as well as vampires.

Be the Bear

Bob T. Panda

Even More from the Panda Season of Love

Last week one of my esteemed readers commented on this post of the day of “Z” with a delightful scenario based on ACTUAL PANDA COMMUNICATION from our panda neighbors to the North, Er Shun and Da Mao, currently residing in Toronto as part of the “putting pandas to work” program.

News item: Gao Gao, the San Diego zoo stud muffin and father of five, is recovering from surgery of *ahem* a delicate nature. For more information, read the San Diego Zoo blog.

Of course, this inspired me to write a cartoon, which would make even more fun of pandas (well, boy pandas anyway). Sometimes they just make it too easy for me.

I smell frosting!

I smell frosting!

If YOU have read a real news story that you think that pandas would enjoy having their way with, just send it on in a comment. don’t worry about trying to figure out what the pandas will have to say about it.  We might not even comment on the story directly, but you never know what is going to trigger some panda satirical thought in my fuzzy little head. Operators are standing by to take your call.

fundraising on Kickstarter

Ha ha! George Clooney… where do those little pandas get these ideas?

Politicians misbehaving? strange cuppycake vending machines showing up on your block? Interesting trends in fashion?  Pandas may be interested.

Be the Bear
Panda On

Bob T. panda


More from the Panda Season of Lo-o-o-o-ove

Over the river, through the woods and across the Atlantic we go, to visit some of our favorite pandas, those titans of the tartan, the Scottish Pandas, Lord and Lady MacBear. I just can’t get enough of these guys.  And lest you be concerned that Mehitabel has been beset by bratty panda kindergarteners during the running of the pandas, she gets her own back today, as she pokes fun at the technique (or lack thereof) of boy pandas everywhere.

I just love the cub reporter.

I just love the cub reporter.

Hope that you are having a happy Sunday, sitting around reading the sunday funnies with your panda, perhaps enjoying a cuppycake or two. (Or three)

Keep being the bear and Pandaing on!  There are pandas around the web this week as I pay a return visit to Cordelia’s Mom, Still on Thursday, May 8th with a post about continuing onward despite all the adversity that life throughs at us, and TOMORROW I appear on The Isle of the Arts show on Whidbey Air radio at 1PM PDST to talk about Kickstarter. (This is a return engagement, due to my recent bout of spring cold last week.)  News flash: Apologies, but this is being postponed once again. (not my fault this time.)  I will alert you when it is REALLY happening.



Panda On!
Bob T. Panda


X marks the spot

What X-citement we have had the month! Despite the X-erable weather and heck…I can’t hardly find any words that start with X without cheating. X-scuses, X-scuses…

Meanwhile, we are recovering from our X-hausting bout with yet another version of this winter’s cold and flu season.  On Wednesday we will be back with a new cartoon (a REALLY new cartoon!) and hopefully, we will resume our normal schedule of a new cartoon every Sunday and Wednesday, as well as an “encore presentation” for Fabulous Furry Fridays.

Thank you to all the A to Z-ers who came to visit this month.  I hope you will stick around and say hi from time to time.  There are some new blogs that I am now following, as well as a couple that I already followed.  Posting daily did not give me as much time as I had hoped for visiting other blogs, but with the list still accessible (yes?) I hope to rectify that situation.

And now, here are some X-cellent encore presentations.  (I’m X-cited about tomorrow, Y? Because, duh, Panda Yoga, hello?)

hey, are dere any more cuppycakes?

X-cessively bad taste

Mr Wu tries to take charge

X-treme jealousy

mr wu speaks out.

X-treme angst

And to all you folks out there that are thinking of launching your own crowdfunding project out there in the real world, my radio interview on Whidbey Air got rescheduled to next week, due to my sore throat and fever that I was X-periencing this weekend.  I’ll post the link here next Sunday so you can tune in, because it gonna be LIVE!!! See ya then!

Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda

It’s P-P-P-P-Panda day!

I have been waiting

for today…this peripatetic population of pandas, these paragons of pageantry, pandas at parties, pandas in pairs, panda panda panda! Pandas with their palpable need to pampered, pandas in pursuit of pomp, pandas having pancakes while participating in panicked  PANDAMONIUM!!!!!

Here come the pandas!

What’s a little pandamonium among friends?

Princess Pinky, that paradigm of >Poof< , never paranoid nor parochial, permanently partaking of pop-overs, pretty as a picture.

Pandas….brought to you by the letter”P”

Never say "No" to a Pinky!

Never say “No” to a Pinky!

Pairs of pandas in pajamas…

Atlanta Twins have a fight

Sweet dreams, little bears! (editors note, this cartoon was drawn before Pinky poofed the Cublanta twins and turned them into girls.)

…pandas partaking in pursuits of the poetical….

panda poetry slam

The cake abides….

and last, but hardly least, perky panda pirates!

An explorer's work is never done.

An explorer’s work is never done.

Thanks again to the A to Z for hosting this monthlong panda-thon, not to mention Cordelia’s Mom, Still for inviting  the pandas over for a guest post.  (I swear I’ll have the carpets cleaned. Sorry about all that frosting and the picture window.)

And have I mentioned that “P” also stands for Pandamorphosis?  Just sayin. (stay tuned for news as it appears!)

Keep Being the Bears!
Bob T. Panda

Nah Nah Nah Naaaah Nah It’s International Panda Day

Oh that Panda Kindergarten….not for nothing are they known as nuisances throughout the nation. No nagging doubts about nonsensical nitwits here!

Meanwhile, Bob tries to elevate the tenor of ZooNooz by adding stories of scientific interest. And yes, there really was an article about this in the Smithsonian.  (Of course I didn’t read it, I just absconded with the headline for its comic possibilities, n’est pas?)

No nonsense to be found here!

No nonsense to be found here!

Meanwhile, I have been dropping hints about the release of Pandamorphosis, my wordless picture book, which was supposed to debut today.  There have been a couple of bumps in the road, but Pandamorphosis cannot be stopped, even if it can be delayed.

I will spare you the gorier details, but let’s just say, for various reasons, the publisher who had been going to publish Pandamorphosis no longer seemed to be the best home for my little bears. But, it was an excellent detour, as I acquired my book designer, who did a marvelous job making me look better than I am.  Because said publisher uses a printer that I have worked with on all the Panda Chronicles books, I know what the quality of the books will be and through said Panda Chronicles, I have a multitude (OK, a small multitude but nevertheless)  of fabulous panda loving fans who are poised to bring glory to Pandamorphosis.  That’s you guys, in case you were wondering.

I am now planning for Pandamorphosis to be let loose on the world the first week of June.  This gives me more time to proof the book, plan the panda-ing and make some cuppycakes! And here is another preview of what the pandas of Pandamorphosis have in store for you:

Let Loose the Bears!

Let Loose the Bears!

Today was brought to you by the letter “N” which is just two letters away from “P” which is going to be a very panda-ful day here at the Panda Chronicles, where all letters bring pandas to mind. Thanks to the A to Z for letting the pandas come to play!  There’s a very interesting post on the history of Murano glass over at The Art of Not Getting Published, with my pick of the day.

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

The Kindness of Strangers

Our letter for the day is the Letter “K” as in ‘kay mommee…pinky needs her wand NOW.

“I have always relied on the kindness of strangers”... has always been one of my favorite movie lines.  But it is true that people have been extraordinarily kind the last few days. Whether you are talking about the support I have received for my new book to be, Pandamorphosis, or the sympathy expressed at the death of a dear friend. Thank you all.

so, oK! “Kickstarter” starts with “K” as does “Kindergarten” and the panda kindergarten kicked kitty butt when they “helped” with our Kickstarter Kampaigns.

Get ready.......

Get ready…….

Says Babette de Panda:  "It's all about MOI` "

Says Babette de Panda: “It’s all about MOI` “

fundraising on Kickstarter

Ha ha! George Clooney… where do those little pandas get these ideas?

Take a tip from Mr. Kitty and Keep being the Kat…um…I mean the bear.

Thanks for the A to Z folks who have let the Kindergarten run amok among a wider audience.  You is da bears.

Bob T. Panda
“we’ll do better next week!”