Category Archives: the essential pandaness of being

It’s Monday and there is no new cartoon…..

…but I have a very good excuse!  I was at the San Diego Zoo Pandamonium Convention, where pandas from several countries all came together to discuss issues that are affecting pandas.  Sort of a Panda World Domination Summit, you might say.  Needless to say, there were cuppycakes (and quite good ones too!) and a wonderful time was had by all.

So that I don’t leave your Monday panda-less, here is one of my favorite cartoons (and it’s in Book 2 of The Panda Chronicles: Wheel…of…Pandas!, which is scheduled for release on April 1st, and that’s no foolin’ !)

Will Mehitabel ever free herself of pandas?  Stay tuned!

Will Mehitabel ever free herself of pandas? Stay tuned!

And because I’m just “that kind of bear,” here is another cartoon that appears in the book.  I’m hoping that someone will right this terrible wrong before the next round of MacArthur Fellowships:

Why IS there no MacArthur Fellowship for Panda Satire, anyway?

Why IS there no MacArthur Fellowship for Panda Satire, anyway?

Stay tuned for the debut of The Panda Chronicles Book 2: Wheel…of…PANDAS! with special launch week discounts for faithul followers of The Panda Chronicles!  We will also reveal (on Mr Wu Wednesday) some of the stuff we learned at the Panda Convention!  (And we will print the transcript of the stirring keynote address, delivered by Mr. Wu himself, about being the youngest member of the great San Diego Panda Dynasty!  There wasn’t a dry eye in the house!)

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

It’s Monday and there is no new cartoon…..

…but I have a very good excuse!  I was at the San Diego Zoo Pandamonium Convention, where pandas from several countries all came together to discuss issues that are affecting pandas.  Sort of a Panda World Domination Summit, you might say.  Needless to say, there were cuppycakes (and quite good ones too!) and a wonderful time was had by all.

So that I don’t leave your Monday panda-less, here is one of my favorite cartoons (and it’s in Book 2 of The Panda Chronicles: Wheel…of…Pandas!, which is scheduled for release on April 1st, and that’s no foolin’ !)

Will Mehitabel ever free herself of pandas?  Stay tuned!

Will Mehitabel ever free herself of pandas? Stay tuned!

And because I’m just “that kind of bear,” here is another cartoon that appears in the book.  I’m hoping that someone will right this terrible wrong before the next round of MacArthur Fellowships:

Why IS there no MacArthur Fellowship for Panda Satire, anyway?

Why IS there no MacArthur Fellowship for Panda Satire, anyway?

Stay tuned for the debut of The Panda Chronicles Book 2: Wheel…of…PANDAS! with special launch week discounts for faithul followers of The Panda Chronicles!  We will also reveal (on Mr Wu Wednesday) some of the stuff we learned at the Panda Convention!  (And we will print the transcript of the stirring keynote address, delivered by Mr. Wu himself, about being the youngest member of the great San Diego Panda Dynasty!  There wasn’t a dry eye in the house!)

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Top of the Monday Morning To You!

Saint Pandy’s Day may be over for another year, and we ate way too many green frosted cuppycakes (what WAS in those things, anyway?) but another holiday celebrating sugar filled snacks is on it’s way soon.  Get ready for a visit from…

The Easter Panda!

What's Black and White and carries cuppycakes in a basket?

What’s Black and White and carries cuppycakes in a basket?

And speaking of sugary treats, book 2 of The Panda Chronicles : Wheel…of…Pandas! is getting ready to be unleashed on an unsuspecting public.  Stay tuned for a special discount for newsletter subscribers!

Be the Bear!

Bob T Panda

Mr Wu is very, very, VERY, sorry.

Mr. Wu’s pirate adventure has come to an end, but don’t be sad.  The panda kindergarten is already plotting his next adventure, if only they can evade the long paw of the law (aka Bai Yun) who is not, to say the least, very happy with them.

"You are right and Wu is wrong...I'll never do it again, mommy."

“You are right and Wu is wrong…I’ll never do it again, mommy.”

But you just can’t keep a good small bear down for long, right?

Be the Bear!

Bob T. panda

Beware, Beware! It’s Panda Scout Cookie Time!

I don’t know about you, but the thing I like best about late February and early March is that it’s Girl Scout Cookie time.  Huzzah!.  The bad thing is that I seem to have developed a sensitivity to chocolate, and so cannot consume vast quantities of Thin Mint cookies, as I once could.  Hmm…maybe that’s a good thing. I only got two merit badges (as opposed to “merit badgers”) when I was a scout, and I think one had to do with baking.  Huzzah!  So, I thought that a little organized scouting might be good for the panda kindergarten.  Build “character” and all that.  What the hey.

On my honor, I will eat as many cookies as I possibly can....

On my honor, I will try…to eat as many cookies as I possibly can….

Pass the minty cookies, please.

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

PS: You will notice that I’ve put the countdown to launch week for The Panda Chronicles Book 2: Wheel…of….PANDAS up in the countdown spot!  Stay tuned, because there will be special treats (not cookies…I ate all of them already) for launch week!  huzzah!

And now, the envelope, please…..

As you can imagine, Babette de Panda was quite disappointed that she was not nominated for an Oscar this year (we hesitate to point out that she did not appear in a new film this year, as she tends to be…um…well, you know).  She did attend the awards ceremony as a presenter, and we were lucky to obtain this footage, from sources that must remain, for obvious reasons, anonymous.

What will Christopher Robin say about this?

What will Christopher Robin say about this?

Hope you are having a happy Monday! Don’t forget to tune in onWednesday when we present the next installment of “A Pirate’s Life for Mister Wu”

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

A Friday special and a few words from Pandas International

As some of you might know, we occasionally lend a paw to our friends at Pandas International to help them with their work for real (as opposed to cartoon) pandas.  They are getting ready for their annual Black and White Auction, which takes place on Saturday February 23rd, 2013.  Last year our cartoon “when pandas have potlucks” graced the program insert, and this year, they requested that I do something on the theme of “enrichment items” for pandas, or what we call, “Toys for Pandas

I just should not be allowed out into polite society.

I am such a dork.

I am such a dork.

Here’s the info on the auction, just in case you are in the neighborhood, or  want to bid from a distance:

Pandas International Hosts Its 13th Annual Chinese New Year’s Dinner

Pandas International will host its 13th Annual Chinese New Year’s Dinner and silent auction to benefit the Giant Pandas in China.  The dinner will be held in Denver, Colorado on Saturday, February 23, 2013. This year’s dinner will focus on purchasing enrichment items for all of the captive Giant Pandas at the Bifengxia Panda Reserve in Sichuan, China. Enrichment items consist of jungle gyms; tire swings, and various other toys to keep the Giant Pandas of all ages active and healthy throughout their entire captive lifespan.  Pandas International relies on the donations from small businesses in order to make each year’s dinner a success.  They are extremely thankful for the help of Anne Belov and her whimsical Panda cartoons and for her help in designing their dinner programs for the second year in a row. For more information on attending or donation please e-mail Pandas International at

Be the (generous) bear

and while you’re at it, buy my book

Bob T. Panda

Wuoops! Hold on to that panda!

Mr. Wu is growing up, and if last weeks videos have shown us anything, it’s that Mr. Wu has a lot of potential to be a fully contributing member of the panda kindergarten.  Never before have I seen a panda cub get a horsie ride from mom!

Oh that panda kindergarten!

Oh that panda kindergarten!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. “Mr. automotive safety” Panda

Wuoops! Hold on to that panda!

Mr. Wu is growing up, and if last weeks videos have shown us anything, it’s that Mr. Wu has a lot of potential to be a fully contributing member of the panda kindergarten.  Never before have I seen a panda cub get a horsie ride from mom!

Oh that panda kindergarten!

Oh that panda kindergarten!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. “Mr. automotive safety” Panda

Meanwhile, Bob has a new creative plan…..

The Academy Awards are just around the corner and Bob has been working on a new project to wow the judges and the crowd.  Don’t tell Babette, but it doesn’t appear that there is a part in the movie for her.

The Life of PIE....get it? *chortle chortle*

The Life of PIE….get it? *chortle chortle*

Be the Bear!

Bob T. (from an undisclosed location don’t-tell-Babette-OK?) Panda