Those of you who have been following the pandas know how excited I am at having published my first book. As part of my efforts to get the word out to more people (so as to achieve panda-world-domination) I’ve been searching for opportunities to guest post and to have some of those folks write a guest post for me, as well.
Today, The Panda Chronicles welcomes Dana Sitar of DIY Writer. To those of you who are writers or wish-you-were writers, I invite you to check out her blog. Maybe her suggestions will be just what you need to help you embrace your inner panda…er, writer. Here’s an introduction from Dana, along with some panda embellishments!
Make a Commitment to Your New Year’s Resolutions in 2013!
by Dana Sitar – Guest Post – Your Brain on Pandas
What will you cross off your bucket list in 2013? We all have dreams and goals, and some of us by this time have set formal “New Year’s Resolutions” to determine the progress we’ll make on our goals this year.
Have you told anyone about them? Are you keeping them quiet so you don’t have to face criticism if December rolls around and you’ve… *dun dun dun*…failed?
Cut it out! Keep it simple. Join the Bucket List Challenge to let a bunch of other dreamers know what you plan to cross off your bucket list in 2013. Make this simple pledge to cross one, three, twelve — whatever — things off your life-long dream to-do list. Make this little commitment to your goals, and tell us about it, so we can be inspired by your determination and supportive of your dreams.
![Um...Bob? It's not that sort of bucket.](
Um…Bob? It’s not that sort of bucket.
See samples and who’stakenthechallengehere.
Join the Bucket List Challenge:
- Email your completed pledges to to be added to The Bucket List Challenge Pinterest board, and join the community of support all year!
About the author:
Dana Sitar is a freelance journalist and indie author. Her latest ebook, A Writer’s Bucket List, is a launching point for all of the possibilities of being a writer, a kick-in-the-butt for those who don’t know what to do next, and a simple guide to help writers forge their own unique career/life paths.
The panda kindergarten will be visiting Dana on her blog in early February, so be sure to stay tuned and visit them there! (note to self: tell Dana to lock up any cuppycakes or baked goods and put away all breakables)
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda