Category Archives: the essential pandaness of being

Monday, Monday! Please go away!

Just in case you were wondering, here at The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire, we really hate Monday mornings.  Why? because we have to get out of our nice cozy den and go to work.  Not to mention that it is 40 degrees and raining. On the other hand, we get to bring you the latest in Panda Satire, so it’s not all bad.

One of Bob's most endearing qualities is his willingness to believe in the inherent  goodness of the panda kindergarten.

One of Bob’s most endearing qualities is his willingness to believe in the inherent goodness of the panda kindergarten.

Later this week we may have some extraordinary panda history news for you.  I’m not going to tell you what it is, but if you know the connection between a New York dress designer, the Brookfield Zoo, and Taxis, you may have a clue to the subject of this news flash.

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Monday, Monday! Please go away!

Just in case you were wondering, here at The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire, we really hate Monday mornings.  Why? because we have to get out of our nice cozy den and go to work.  Not to mention that it is 40 degrees and raining. On the other hand, we get to bring you the latest in Panda Satire, so it’s not all bad.

One of Bob's most endearing qualities is his willingness to believe in the inherent  goodness of the panda kindergarten.

One of Bob’s most endearing qualities is his willingness to believe in the inherent goodness of the panda kindergarten.

Later this week we may have some extraordinary panda history news for you.  I’m not going to tell you what it is, but if you know the connection between a New York dress designer, the Brookfield Zoo, and Taxis, you may have a clue to the subject of this news flash.

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

A special “Wu Saturday Post”

The incomparable Doxiemom Pandamonium sent me this link to one of her videos starring the fabulous Mr Wu, playing with his leaf.  This is where Mr Wu, an up and coming choreographer, got his idea for his composition “Dances wif Weaf” Mr Wu is one of the youngest pandas to participate in the “Putting Pandas to Work Program” which trains young pandas for useful employment once they graduate from panda kindergarten.  Here’s the link.

And here’s my cartoon that was inspired by this video, in case you missed it:

"Wu calls his dance, 'Ode to a Weaf' "

“Wu calls his dance, ‘Ode to a Weaf’ “

Happy Saturday,

Be the Bear

Bob T. Panda

A special “Wu Saturday Post”

The incomparable Doxiemom Pandamonium sent me this link to one of her videos starring the fabulous Mr Wu, playing with his leaf.  This is where Mr Wu, an up and coming choreographer, got his idea for his composition “Dances wif Weaf” Mr Wu is one of the youngest pandas to participate in the “Putting Pandas to Work Program” which trains young pandas for useful employment once they graduate from panda kindergarten.  Here’s the link.

And here’s my cartoon that was inspired by this video, in case you missed it:

"Wu calls his dance, 'Ode to a Weaf' "

“Wu calls his dance, ‘Ode to a Weaf’ “

Happy Saturday,

Be the Bear

Bob T. Panda

Monday, Monday…can’t trust that panda kindergarten!

I don’t know about you, but one of my favorite hobbies is complaining about the most recent changes at fezbook, whatever they are.  As usual, the panda kindergarten is involved. What can I say?  They will get into everything, and they still haven’t filled out their new year’s resolution forms.

Don't Touch My Stuff! (this means you, Gail.)

Don’t Touch My Stuff! (this means you, Gail.)

Be the Bear!


Bob T. Panda

Ta-da! A (serious) Guest Post and a New Cartoon!

Those of you who have been following the pandas know how excited I am at having published my first book.  As part of my efforts to get the word out to more people (so as to achieve panda-world-domination) I’ve been searching for opportunities to guest post and to have some of those folks write a guest post for me, as well.

Today, The Panda Chronicles welcomes Dana Sitar of DIY Writer.  To those of you who are writers or wish-you-were  writers, I invite you to check out her blog.  Maybe her suggestions will be just what you need to help you embrace your inner panda…er, writer.  Here’s an introduction from Dana, along with some panda embellishments!

Make a Commitment to Your New Year’s Resolutions in 2013!


by Dana Sitar – Guest Post – Your Brain on Pandas


What will you cross off your bucket list in 2013? We all have dreams and goals, and some of us by this time have set formal “New Year’s Resolutions” to determine the progress we’ll make on our goals this year.

Have you told anyone about them? Are you keeping them quiet so you don’t have to face criticism if December rolls around and you’ve… *dun dun dun*…failed?

Cut it out! Keep it simple. Join the Bucket List Challenge to let a bunch of other dreamers know what you plan to cross off your bucket list in 2013. Make this simple pledge to cross one, three, twelve — whatever — things off your life-long dream to-do list. Make this little commitment to your goals, and tell us about it, so we can be inspired by your determination and supportive of your dreams.

Um...Bob?  It's not that sort of bucket.

Um…Bob? It’s not that sort of bucket.

See samples and whostakenthechallengehere.

Join the Bucket List Challenge:



  • Email your completed pledges to to be added to The Bucket List Challenge Pinterest board, and join the community of support all year!

About the author:

Dana Sitar is a freelance journalist and indie author. Her latest ebook, A Writer’s Bucket List, is a launching point for all of the possibilities of being a writer, a kick-in-the-butt for those who don’t know what to do next, and a simple guide to help writers forge their own unique career/life paths.

The panda kindergarten will be visiting Dana on her blog in early February, so be sure to stay tuned and visit them there! (note to self: tell Dana to lock up any cuppycakes or baked goods and put away all breakables)

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Welcome to 2013!

There has been nothing but wailing and gnashing of teeth over the whole fiscal cliff thingie, all over the radio and I suppose television, if I watched it, that is, which I don’t.  Too much running around chicken little the sky is falling and all of that. It’s one thing to have the panda kindergarten running around, but people in suits?  No thank you.

Anyway, to start the year off right, here’s Bob (failed presidential candidate) to tell us a simple solution to all our fiscal woes!

Hey!  I know what would help!  Buy my book!

Hey! I know what would help! Buy my book!

Doesn’t that just make a whole lot of sense?  I mean, taking into consideration that it’s coming from a panda, I mean.

By the Way, I’m going to claim that I was successful in my project of 31 days of pandas, even though as my dear brother KINDLY (not) pointed out,  I skipped a day. If you look at last year’s 30 days of pandas that took place in November, where I did ONE drawing that added ONE panda each day, and compare it to this year where I did 30 new complete drawings (some of which are multi panel full story cartoons) which contained an average of 4.19 pandas a day over the 31 day period (for a total of approximately 131 pandas) I have increased my production by over 100 pandas over the same period last year.  And that doesn’t count appearances by Mehitabel.  So there.

My plan (at least for now) is to post a new cartoon twice a week, on Monday and Wednesday of each week.  I will run a “classic cartoon” on Friday, so if you have a favorite to request, just send it in a comment.  I’ve been getting some requests for guest posts here and there, plus my regular new gig blogging at Whidbey Life Magazine, an online arts and culture newsletter here on Whidbey Island. Email subscriptions to WLM are free, and there are great posts from our fearless editor Patricia Duff, as well as noted cheese-ist Farmer Vicky Brown and musicians, writers, theater folk, and who knows what all.

That’s all for now!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

An extra new Year’s Message from The Panda Chronicles…

It has been an amazing year here in pandyland, as I look back on the trials and tribulations, the frolicking and fun, getting to meet some of you in “Tai-land” and looking forward to meeting more of you this spring at the home of Wu, I sit and watch in wonder at it all.

When I started drawing pandas I had no idea where they were going, and no idea that it would continue this long: five years since I started finding pandas on stray pieces of paper in my studio, 4 years since I started the blog, and the last year has accounted for 72% of the traffic here at The Panda Chronicles (thanks to to record keeping software of the folks at WordPress.)  This January also marks another milestone for me…25 years of being totally self employed and supported by my art work.  The last 4 years have not been exactly pain free, economics wise. Some of the galleries where I show my work have closed, some have “reduced their stable,” one just quit paying their artists.(I left that one)  But pandas, while they are not exactly “self-supporting” yet, have lifted my spirits, both as I draw them and more importantly, as you read them.  A work of art, a piece of writing, a foozle* of panda satire, does not really exist until someone other than the person that created it, enjoys it.

Thank you for making my work here live.  You are the bears!

And now, my favorite new year’s eve with the pandy kindy cartoon!

new years eve party, panda kindergarten

The panda kindergarten wishes you a happy New Year!

*foozle:  a selection of panda cartoons.

Be the Bear!

Bob T. panda

An extra new Year’s Message from The Panda Chronicles…

It has been an amazing year here in pandyland, as I look back on the trials and tribulations, the frolicking and fun, getting to meet some of you in “Tai-land” and looking forward to meeting more of you this spring at the home of Wu, I sit and watch in wonder at it all.

When I started drawing pandas I had no idea where they were going, and no idea that it would continue this long: five years since I started finding pandas on stray pieces of paper in my studio, 4 years since I started the blog, and the last year has accounted for 72% of the traffic here at The Panda Chronicles (thanks to to record keeping software of the folks at WordPress.)  This January also marks another milestone for me…25 years of being totally self employed and supported by my art work.  The last 4 years have not been exactly pain free, economics wise. Some of the galleries where I show my work have closed, some have “reduced their stable,” one just quit paying their artists.(I left that one)  But pandas, while they are not exactly “self-supporting” yet, have lifted my spirits, both as I draw them and more importantly, as you read them.  A work of art, a piece of writing, a foozle* of panda satire, does not really exist until someone other than the person that created it, enjoys it.

Thank you for making my work here live.  You are the bears!

And now, my favorite new year’s eve with the pandy kindy cartoon!

new years eve party, panda kindergarten

The panda kindergarten wishes you a happy New Year!

*foozle:  a selection of panda cartoons.

Be the Bear!

Bob T. panda