Category Archives: the essential pandaness of being

Beware the Ides of December…

It is day 15 of the 31 days of pandas. The nation mourns the terrible tragedy that happened at a Connecticut elementary school yesterday, and those of us in the humor fields are no exception. Darby Conley of “Get Fuzzy” fame did a heartfelt, but still in character, drawing of his lead characters.  It really got the message across. Here is my contribution.

Hope it helps a little…

Loss and lamentations....

Loss and lamentations….


Hope you hug your inner panda today, not to mention everyone you love.

Bob T. Panda

I think there needs to be some sort of “panda a day” thing for December, don’t you?

You are probably not aware of it, but did you know that December is the month of the Panda?  Right now you are thinking, she’s making this up…I just KNOW it!  And, um…you might be right.  But if it isn’t really the month of the panda, don’t you think it should be?

So here is my December challenge to myself:  To post a drawing of at least one panda per day during the entire month of December.  It has to be a NEW drawing or cartoon…no cheating by posting a re-run.  It can be a single panda, or it can be a “cartoon in progress.”  I haven’t yet decided if it should be one big drawing like the 30 days of pandas drawing last year….well, I have until tomorrow to figure it out.

What could be more fun than a car full of pandas?

Meanwhile, my work table is overflowing with books to be sent to all my Kickstarter supporters, and my plan is to have them all mailed or delivered before the end of next week.  Huzzah!  Then I can get back to painting and doing the 31 panda drawings that I just committed myself to.  (The pandas made me do it!)

Time to climb aboard the panda car!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

I think there needs to be some sort of “panda a day” thing for December, don’t you?

You are probably not aware of it, but did you know that December is the month of the Panda?  Right now you are thinking, she’s making this up…I just KNOW it!  And, um…you might be right.  But if it isn’t really the month of the panda, don’t you think it should be?

So here is my December challenge to myself:  To post a drawing of at least one panda per day during the entire month of December.  It has to be a NEW drawing or cartoon…no cheating by posting a re-run.  It can be a single panda, or it can be a “cartoon in progress.”  I haven’t yet decided if it should be one big drawing like the 30 days of pandas drawing last year….well, I have until tomorrow to figure it out.

What could be more fun than a car full of pandas?

Meanwhile, my work table is overflowing with books to be sent to all my Kickstarter supporters, and my plan is to have them all mailed or delivered before the end of next week.  Huzzah!  Then I can get back to painting and doing the 31 panda drawings that I just committed myself to.  (The pandas made me do it!)

Time to climb aboard the panda car!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

After Black and White Friday, It’s time for ….

Pet Photos with Santa!  Huzzah!

‘Tis the Season!

Hope you are having a good start to your Holiday spending shopping season!

Be the Bear (and don’t forget to buy extra cuppycakes for those “drop in” panda visitors!)

Bob T. Panda

Bob T. Panda wants YOU……

It must be some basic failing of mine that I get somewhat…um…obsessed by the stats on my blog…I know I’m not the only one.

According to WordPress, I now have 183 subscribers. Wouldn’t it be cool if there were 200 of you by the end of the year?

And then there is my new book!

Babette and Bee, the Bear have a “discussion”

WE at The Institute for Contemporary panda Satire would be ever so happy if you were to forward this link to a few of your humor loving friends and invite them to follow this blog.  (Don’t send it to people with no sense of humor…I’m sure you know a few….they just won’t get it and then they will think you are insane and talk about you in the lunch room at work and once THAT sort of thing get’s started…it’s all downhill from there if you know what I mean. I mean, how do you think I ended up doing panda satire?)

I think you get my point….

You are the Bears!  Stay tuned for some NEW cartoons this week!   Huzzah!

Bob T. Panda

Bob T. Panda wants YOU……

It must be some basic failing of mine that I get somewhat…um…obsessed by the stats on my blog…I know I’m not the only one.

According to WordPress, I now have 183 subscribers. Wouldn’t it be cool if there were 200 of you by the end of the year?

And then there is my new book!

Babette and Bee, the Bear have a “discussion”

WE at The Institute for Contemporary panda Satire would be ever so happy if you were to forward this link to a few of your humor loving friends and invite them to follow this blog.  (Don’t send it to people with no sense of humor…I’m sure you know a few….they just won’t get it and then they will think you are insane and talk about you in the lunch room at work and once THAT sort of thing get’s started…it’s all downhill from there if you know what I mean. I mean, how do you think I ended up doing panda satire?)

I think you get my point….

You are the Bears!  Stay tuned for some NEW cartoons this week!   Huzzah!

Bob T. Panda

Huzzah! A proof with all the pages in the correct direction!

We at the Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire are particularly pleased to announce that the final proof for Book One of the Panda Chronicles has finally been printed with all the pages in the correct order.

Perhaps this was the problem:

Was the panda kindergarten in charge of setting up the proofs for Bob’s book?

Stay tuned for updates on the book’s progress, as well as more from the campaign trail!  (yes, we know the election is over in the real world, but Bob – and more importantly, Babette – is not ready to concede defeat.

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Huzzah! A proof with all the pages in the correct direction!

We at the Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire are particularly pleased to announce that the final proof for Book One of the Panda Chronicles has finally been printed with all the pages in the correct order.

Perhaps this was the problem:

Was the panda kindergarten in charge of setting up the proofs for Bob’s book?

Stay tuned for updates on the book’s progress, as well as more from the campaign trail!  (yes, we know the election is over in the real world, but Bob – and more importantly, Babette – is not ready to concede defeat.

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

It’s beginning to look a lot like pandas…..

I know that it is not even Halloweenie here at the Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire, but I thought you might like to know that our friends at Pandas International (real people supporting REALPandas) have selected one of my cartoons to grace their annual holiday card offering that you can get to send to all your many friends and relations, AND help pandas (real pandas, that is) at the same time!  How cool is that?

panda christmas

“why do I always get so kerfuffled when it comes to decorating for the holidays?”

Just think how happy your friends will when they open their mailbox and find an actual card from a real person instead of another bill or political announcement.  Pandas are standing by at Pandas International to take your call!

Thanks for Being the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

It’s beginning to look a lot like pandas…..

I know that it is not even Halloweenie here at the Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire, but I thought you might like to know that our friends at Pandas International (real people supporting REALPandas) have selected one of my cartoons to grace their annual holiday card offering that you can get to send to all your many friends and relations, AND help pandas (real pandas, that is) at the same time!  How cool is that?

panda christmas

“why do I always get so kerfuffled when it comes to decorating for the holidays?”

Just think how happy your friends will when they open their mailbox and find an actual card from a real person instead of another bill or political announcement.  Pandas are standing by at Pandas International to take your call!

Thanks for Being the Bear!

Bob T. Panda