Category Archives: the essential pandaness of being

Oh my gosh It’s Day 27, with an added bonus! Tails (!) from Black (and White) Friday

I try not to listen to the news too much because it just depresses the heck out of me.  Just what are some people thinking as they go about their business?  This is not limited to “People in the News” such as celebrities or politicians.  Sometimes your everyday person on the street makes a decision that is so boneheaded you wonder how they can remember to breathe.  A case in point is the person who thought it would be a really good idea to take pepper spray when she hit the Black Friday sales, to make sure she had no competition at the sale table.  Pandas, of course would never do anything so thoughtless.  As we see from the following cartoon, Bob has a much more …um …organic solution to the art of competitive shopping.

Black friday shopping tactics

See what I mean?

And now, without further ado, here is day 27 of 30 Days of Pandas!  I’m almost done….I think they are all going to fit!

Be the Bear (poof!)

Bob T. Panda

(sorry for the multiple updates…I must not ne awake yet.)

Oh my gosh It’s Day 27, with an added bonus! Tails (!) from Black (and White) Friday

I try not to listen to the news too much because it just depresses the heck out of me.  Just what are some people thinking as they go about their business?  This is not limited to “People in the News” such as celebrities or politicians.  Sometimes your everyday person on the street makes a decision that is so boneheaded you wonder how they can remember to breathe.  A case in point is the person who thought it would be a really good idea to take pepper spray when she hit the Black Friday sales, to make sure she had no competition at the sale table.  Pandas, of course would never do anything so thoughtless.  As we see from the following cartoon, Bob has a much more …um …organic solution to the art of competitive shopping.

Black friday shopping tactics

See what I mean?

And now, without further ado, here is day 27 of 30 Days of Pandas!  I’m almost done….I think they are all going to fit!

Be the Bear (poof!)

Bob T. Panda

(sorry for the multiple updates…I must not ne awake yet.)

Oh this is 22 and my paw is on your shoe….

Well, it’s a good thing the month is almost over, because I’m running out of clever ways to avoid saying “30 days of Pandas, day 20-whatever.”  It should now be obvious that this is a tribute to the video, “Pandas on a Slide” which was one of the first I watched, and then completely pushed me over the edge to Panda-mania, till I had absolutely NO choice, but to have a cross species transformation and become a panda,myself.  Bring on the cuppycakes!

30 days of pandas day 22

Be the Bear

Bob T. (maybe a bonus cartoon today later!) Panda

Hooray! Pizza IS a Vegetable!

Woke up to news today on the radio that Michelle Obama was pissed off that schools were allowed to count pizza as a vegetable.  Now, we pandas really like Michelle (so, if you are a republican or tea party enthusiast you can stop reading right now and cancel your subscription) but we think she has crossed the line on this one.  I was really sure that french fries are vegetables too.  I’m still planning on voting for your husband next year, but I think you need to back off on the pizza thing.  I’m just sayin’, ya’ know?  Other than that you are really awesome.

Be the Bear.

Bob T. (Just say “Panda-sizeMe”) Panda

It’s Daylight LosingTime (a week late, but hey, what’s time to a panda?)

Trying to teach the panda kindergarten complicated concepts like daylight savings time and daylight losing time…well, who has the time?

Be the Bear

Bob T.Panda

Baby You Can Drive My Car….NOT

Recently, news came to us from the Atlanta Zoo that Po’s irresponsible big brother, Xi Lan wrecked Po’s cute little yellow car.  Through our clandestine spy network, we have acquired footage that reveals the true story of what happened to Po’s little car.  Viewer alert! This footage contains shocking revelations about what happens when pandas are allowed to drive cars!

We hope you will join us in decrying this shocking example of panda sibling rivalry.  Demand that driver education becomes a part of panda kindergarten curriculum.

Be the (careful) Bear

Bob T. Panda