Category Archives: the essential pandaness of being

This Little Panda Went to Market…. Day 9

It’s starting to get crowded around here.  Pandas, Pandas everywhere and not a cat in sight!  A new cartoon is in the works, for those who want to keep up with the exploits of the panda kindergarten. Till then,

Be the Bear

Bob T. Panda

Once more, into the bears! Day 6 and 7

Sorry for my lack of post yesterday.  The Panda Kindergarten went to hear Chris Van Allsburg and Sherman Alexie speak in Seattle at the public library. But never fear, I had pandas waiting in the wings, so both Sunday’s and today’s pandas appear this morning. The panda kindergarten was mostly well behaved on their outing, but you know the panda kindergarten.  “Mostly well behaved” is as good as it gets.

Be the Bear.

Bob T. Panda

30 Days – 30 Pandas…# 4

Oh, the tension is mounting! Will our fearless drawer of pandas be able to keep up with the pressure? 4 days down and 26 to go.  Will 26 more pandas fit on this page? And just what is panda # 4 looking at. Tune in tomorrow!

Be the Bear

Bob T. Panda


Scotland Steals my Idea. Naughty Scotland! Bad!

Did you not hear it here first? Did I not, more than two weeks ago, mention that the pandas would have their own Panda clan tartan? And now, I read this story on Panda News:

Edinburgh Pandas Get Their Own Tartan
Nov 02, 2011 09:51 am

Yang Guan and Tian Tian the two pandas who will be arriving at Edinburgh Zoo any time now, have been given their own Scottish Tartan.

The Scottish tartan goes back hundreds of years as a way of identify members of a clan. The new panda Tartan is primarily made up of black and white the colours of the panda with some gray to soften it, there is also red which symbolizes China, and green to represent bamboo the pandas main food source.


I ask you, does The Panda Chronicles know everything first, or what?

Be the Bear

Bob T. Panda


30 days- 30 Pandas…day 2

I have to admit I get this little thrill when my days visitors edge (or zoom) past 24.  Thanks to all the new subscribers, past subscribers, current subscribers…

Mehitabel:  “Would you please just shut up and put another post up?”  OK, OK….

Here is day 2 of 30 days – 30 pandas.  It’s fun so far!

So, just to set everyone’s mind at ease, the panda on the lower right has a bottle of Bamboo Soda, and not a beer!  This is after all Po’s panda kindergarten classmates who are throwing a party in honor of his birthday.  The panda kindergarten is naughty enough without being drunk besides!

I was recently reading a new-ish book by one of my major influences in the humor genre.  I am of course, referring to Dave Barry.  That’s DAVE BARRY for all you search engines out there.  Heck he’s famous…he could spare a few readers who accidentally come here instead of DAVE BARRY’S website.  He is one of the few humor writers that no matter how many times I read his essays, I laugh so hard stuff shoots out my nose.  It is for this reason that I could never read his work on line, as I don’t want to ruin my computer keyboard.  When I used to fax my cartoons to my local picture framing shop, (note: this was before I had a blog or even a computer, and I had to follow all my friends around with large stacks of cartoons and demand that they read them before I would let them go about their day) my favorite story was when Catherine (my framer with the fax machine) told me milk squirted out her nose because she laughed so hard when she read one of my cartoons.  To quote DAVE BARRY, “I am not making this up.”  Sometime after that, they got rid of their fax machine (coincidence? You be the judge…) so I had to get a computer and start this blog.

Miss Demure Restraint was obviously paying attention and reading the entire post, ahem….not mentioning any names here…and noticed that in the section on 7 facts my readers may not know about me, I revealed that I am :

a) not a panda


b) not a boy panda

While technically these things are true, I hope you all will continue to indulge me as I write with the voice of my inner panda, who happens to be named “Bob”.  I don’t know how this happened. It just did, so let’s just go with that.  Besides, if a person says something that’s mean or kind of snotty or insulting, it is seen by some people as an example of bad behavior. But, if a panda says it,  “Hey! What’s the big deal.  He’s pretty smart for a panda!”

Being endangered means never having to say you’re sorry.

Be the Bear

Bob T. Panda

The real me!