Category Archives: the essential pandaness of being

30 Days, 30 Pandas

To celebrate the panda birthday season (including my own) we have instituted the Panda-a-Day Challenge for the month of November.  To successfully complete this challenge, I must draw 30 pandas on this 8 1/2 x 12 paper, fit all 30 pandas in, and have it come out looking like something that I don’t want to throw in the trash.  Note from Mehitabel: What? You couldn’t do CATS??????  I also plan ( hope, dream, endeavor…whatever) to continue my regular post of cartoons, not to mention the exciting conclusion of the Versatile Blogger award posting.  So without further blathering, here is the first entry to 30 days- 30 pandas:

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Happy Halloweenie!

Panda Kindergarten halloween party

The panda kindergarten is having their Halloween Party!  Cuppycakes for all!  Thrills and chills, captivating costumes, you’ll find it all at the party. After all, it isn’t a party without a little pandamonium!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

(More from the Versatile Blogger Awards tomorrow.  Or the next day.  I am supposed to be getting some work done, ya’ know.)


You Like Me, You Really Like Me!

Well imagine my surprise! I won an award! No, it was NOT the MacArthur Foundation Fellowship, the first ever given in the field of panda satire.  I have Miss Demure Restraint to thank for this honor. She is a blogger who recently stumbled upon my blog. I can only guess how.  Actually I can’t. I mean how does anyone find anything here in the bloggosphere with millions of blogs floating around in our computers. I mean is there even room?  Any way, my profound thanks to Miss DR for finding me, liking me and giving me this award.  Although, it does have some strings.  No, no, I didn’t have to promise her my first born (for which she would wait a long time) She said nothing about being nicer to my mother (as if!).  What I have to do is recognize here on my blog 15 others whom I admire.  And thank her. So, thank you for this award.  I almost never win anything. This may take a while. Not because there are so few, but because:

Fact 1:  I am a technological idiot.  That may be a bit harsh, as here I am, actually responsible for 3 blogs.  The truth is that it took me years before I would even touch a computer, more years before I got one of my own, and then only last April did I allow the internet into my house. (This was after I had been blogging for 2 years already. Go Figure.)

Fact 2: Sometimes there are dirty dishes in the sink for 2 or three days.

Fact 3: I am not really a panda.

Fact 4: I am not really a boy panda.

Fact 5: I sometimes hum commercial jingles all day.

Fact 6: (wow,this is hard….not so much because there is nothing that the blogging world doesn’t know about me, but because I’m kind of secretive and hate revealing things.)  I once annoyed a famous Seattle glass artist while we were both in a restaurant, because I was louder than he was.

Fact 7: Sometimes my pandas and I do the happy dance around the house when no one is watching.

The Pandy Awards


Of course there had to be a cartoon commemorating this event.

So here is my list of 15 blogs/bloggers that I admire.  I will resist the urge to only list blogs that make me laugh, or only pick my friends blogs even if I never read them, or put in blogs that I think I should lest someone get mad at me, so here goes:

In the category of blogs that I find very useful,

1. Literary Rambles: A blog that profiles agents, tips for writers and just about anything else an aspiring children’s writer or illustrator would want to know.

2. Funds for Writers: Hope Clark must have the energy of a panda kindergarten to publish opportunities for writers, write thoughtful essays about the process and business of writing, and still have time to do her own work.  And don’t think I’m trying to score brownie points, Hope.  You Da Bear!

3. Art Biz Blog:  I love Alyson’s no nonsense (and no excuses) advice to artists on how to not only survive but prosper as creative professionals.  And as soon as painting sales pick up I am absolutely buying your book.

4. Blue Horse Marketing:  OK, full disclosure. This is one of my friends and there is already a link to her website here.  Lately I’ve been doing a lot of reading about blogging and marketing, and she has a lot of useful stuff to say on the subject, some of which I may even do someday.

5. The Bindery at the Crown and Book:  This is another of my friends, who makes absolutely beautiful books in authentic methods and materials from several centuries ago,  and his blog is very appealing visually.  I’m hoping he will get so busy making his books that he can quit his day job. I will admit that he has not posted much, but the books are really beyond exquisite.

Well, that’s the first five.  The rest will have to wait for another post, as my paws are getting cramped from all this typing.

I will return to my snotty and amusing format soon. (After all, that’s why you read me, isn’t it?)

Thanks again Miss D.R. You da Bear!

Bob T. Panda



You Like Me, You Really Like Me!

Well imagine my surprise! I won an award! No, it was NOT the MacArthur Foundation Fellowship, the first ever given in the field of panda satire.  I have Miss Demure Restraint to thank for this honor. She is a blogger who recently stumbled upon my blog. I can only guess how.  Actually I can’t. I mean how does anyone find anything here in the bloggosphere with millions of blogs floating around in our computers. I mean is there even room?  Any way, my profound thanks to Miss DR for finding me, liking me and giving me this award.  Although, it does have some strings.  No, no, I didn’t have to promise her my first born (for which she would wait a long time) She said nothing about being nicer to my mother (as if!).  What I have to do is recognize here on my blog 15 others whom I admire.  And thank her. So, thank you for this award.  I almost never win anything. This may take a while. Not because there are so few, but because:

Fact 1:  I am a technological idiot.  That may be a bit harsh, as here I am, actually responsible for 3 blogs.  The truth is that it took me years before I would even touch a computer, more years before I got one of my own, and then only last April did I allow the internet into my house. (This was after I had been blogging for 2 years already. Go Figure.)

Fact 2: Sometimes there are dirty dishes in the sink for 2 or three days.

Fact 3: I am not really a panda.

Fact 4: I am not really a boy panda.

Fact 5: I sometimes hum commercial jingles all day.

Fact 6: (wow,this is hard….not so much because there is nothing that the blogging world doesn’t know about me, but because I’m kind of secretive and hate revealing things.)  I once annoyed a famous Seattle glass artist while we were both in a restaurant, because I was louder than he was.

Fact 7: Sometimes my pandas and I do the happy dance around the house when no one is watching.

The Pandy Awards


Of course there had to be a cartoon commemorating this event.

So here is my list of 15 blogs/bloggers that I admire.  I will resist the urge to only list blogs that make me laugh, or only pick my friends blogs even if I never read them, or put in blogs that I think I should lest someone get mad at me, so here goes:

In the category of blogs that I find very useful,

1. Literary Rambles: A blog that profiles agents, tips for writers and just about anything else an aspiring children’s writer or illustrator would want to know.

2. Funds for Writers: Hope Clark must have the energy of a panda kindergarten to publish opportunities for writers, write thoughtful essays about the process and business of writing, and still have time to do her own work.  And don’t think I’m trying to score brownie points, Hope.  You Da Bear!

3. Art Biz Blog:  I love Alyson’s no nonsense (and no excuses) advice to artists on how to not only survive but prosper as creative professionals.  And as soon as painting sales pick up I am absolutely buying your book.

4. Blue Horse Marketing:  OK, full disclosure. This is one of my friends and there is already a link to her website here.  Lately I’ve been doing a lot of reading about blogging and marketing, and she has a lot of useful stuff to say on the subject, some of which I may even do someday.

5. The Bindery at the Crown and Book:  This is another of my friends, who makes absolutely beautiful books in authentic methods and materials from several centuries ago,  and his blog is very appealing visually.  I’m hoping he will get so busy making his books that he can quit his day job. I will admit that he has not posted much, but the books are really beyond exquisite.

Well, that’s the first five.  The rest will have to wait for another post, as my paws are getting cramped from all this typing.

I will return to my snotty and amusing format soon. (After all, that’s why you read me, isn’t it?)

Thanks again Miss D.R. You da Bear!

Bob T. Panda



Panda Satire Made Easy

It’s not like it happens every day, but pretty often, someone wants to know where my ideas come from, or if I’m on medication and am I feeling particularly excitable right now.  Well, just to set your mind at rest, “they” tell me I’m not dangerous (at least not at the moment) and I do have a method to my madness in developing ideas for my cartoons.  So, I wrote this little cartoon to explain my thought process. (Or should I say “thought” process?)   Also, Mehitabel was getting downright testy over not being the star in most of the new cartoons.  Personally, she would just as well take the panda kindergarten to the pound and let some other poor soul adopt them.  Alas, poor Mehitabel.  This is just not to be.

Panda Satire Made Easy

Also, I’d like to welcome our new subscribers!  Having people enjoy these cartoons helps make life worth living.  (and to all my friends who have to at least pretend to say they are funny, thank you too.)

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Panda Satire Made Easy

It’s not like it happens every day, but pretty often, someone wants to know where my ideas come from, or if I’m on medication and am I feeling particularly excitable right now.  Well, just to set your mind at rest, “they” tell me I’m not dangerous (at least not at the moment) and I do have a method to my madness in developing ideas for my cartoons.  So, I wrote this little cartoon to explain my thought process. (Or should I say “thought” process?)   Also, Mehitabel was getting downright testy over not being the star in most of the new cartoons.  Personally, she would just as well take the panda kindergarten to the pound and let some other poor soul adopt them.  Alas, poor Mehitabel.  This is just not to be.

Panda Satire Made Easy

Also, I’d like to welcome our new subscribers!  Having people enjoy these cartoons helps make life worth living.  (and to all my friends who have to at least pretend to say they are funny, thank you too.)

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Introducing the Technicolor Panda!

Don’t ask me why, but I started to think that my panda friends were leading a drab, black and white existence.  Not that there is anything wrong with glorious Black and White, but you know, a bear gets bored sometimes.  So I started playing around with some colored backgrounds.  I’ll be introducing them on the Pandyland Cafe Press store soon.  Let me know what you think about the technicolor backgrounds!

Panda princess

Be the (princess) Bear!

Bob “I’m not just Black and White” T. Panda


Introducing the Technicolor Panda!

Don’t ask me why, but I started to think that my panda friends were leading a drab, black and white existence.  Not that there is anything wrong with glorious Black and White, but you know, a bear gets bored sometimes.  So I started playing around with some colored backgrounds.  I’ll be introducing them on the Pandyland Cafe Press store soon.  Let me know what you think about the technicolor backgrounds!

Panda princess

Be the (princess) Bear!

Bob “I’m not just Black and White” T. Panda


Another Panda Valley Sunday…..

Out here in the Pacific Northwest we have a lot of weather that looks like those traditional Chinese landscape paintings, you know, kind of monochrome, lots of mist, rain, grayness, bases of mountains disappearing in the fog.  But has anyone sent us a couple of pandas? Noooooooooooo they have not. Whats up with that, I ask you?  Seems like one demand that should be made in the Occupy Wall Street movement is more pandas for the United States, especially in the Pacific Northwest.  We have the weather that pandas like (or at least they are used to it, so they probably wouldn’t complain much) so we should have some.

Pandify Wall Street.  That’s what I say!

Nobody expects the panda kindergarten!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda


But I Play One on Television….

OK, who out there remembers that commercial on TV (Note: this comes from the time before Tivo) where a TV Doctor starts a commercial by saying” I’m not a doctor, but I play one one television,”  and then gives you some advice on aspirin or hemorrhoid cream or something like that.  I mean, did anyone actually fall for that?  How stupid did they think we were?  Don’t answer that.  How could I resist the impulse to make this cartoon?

I'm not a doctor but I play one on television

I love my job.

Be the Bear

Bob T. Panda