…It’s time for our annual rebroadcast of ….The Wizard of Wu!!!!! (Sounds of cheering and huzzahing and pass the cuppycakes!) Yes it’s that time once again when we dust off that old chestnut, that classic satire of The Wizard of Oz, starring…no…NOT Pinky!!!!!!!! But the one, true, dearly beloved Wu Self!!!
(More cheering…you’ll have to do the sound effects yourself.)
Are you ready?
Do you have your popcorn?
Did you use the little bears room?
Well, all right then, let’s begin!

where happy pandas eat bamboo, oh why, oh why, can’t…Wu?

We’re in for it now, Binky!

Hang on to your hats, kids, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!

I don’t think we’re in Pandiego any more, Binky….

What could be waiting outside? Where the heck ARE we, Binky?

Don’t I know you from somewhere?

Mehitabel would like to register her protest about given the least sympathetic role in this adventure.
We would like to note the early appearances (in supporting roles) of Pinky and the Meihems.

Okay, now it’s getting exciting! Scary parts dead ahead!
Stay tuned next Friday for more of…The Wizard of Wu!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda