I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen to me if, for instance, I made up an important government document, signed my name to it, then turned it in to the National Archives. I mean, what if I said that the Presidential electors in Washington state all voted for Princess Pinky? Do you think I’d still be walking around free and easy?
I think not!
Then again, pandas can pretty much get away with anything!
What a year, huh? While like 2020, we would really rather forget 2021, it is good to look back and acknowledge so that maybe we won’t do the same the things again. Mebbee. Anyway, looking back at the ‘toons of each month is always a good way to remember the year, rather than looking at the actual news, which is kind of depressing.
So…let’s start with January!
Annnnnnd on to February !
I think we’ve seen enough of Mittens to last us a lifetime, so let’s declare 2021 the Year of Bikkie! (and his Beary good friend Mr, Poppee!)
Remember Pinky’s “Workout wif Bikkie” Videos?
Well, that’s it for January and February 2021 Year in Review! Join us next Sunday when we look back on March and April of 2021!
New ‘toons coming this week! I think mebbee Bikkie’s snow day and something something something else!
There wasn’t anything important happening today, was there?
I definitely considered not posting anything today, being the day that democracy almost went down the golden toilet, but then I decided we needed a little humor along with remembering that day, one year ago, it could have ended up a whole lot worse.
At this point, it is good to remember that the Republican Party didn’t think that shooting and killing 20 school children and their teachers was a sufficient reason to institute any kind of gun control, so why would we think that if members of Congress had been killed, that the GQP would have had any qualms about about tossing democracy in the dumpster.
I watched the commemoration of the anniversary as I worked today. Combined with the new information that has been released and what I watched in real time, it is clear that we came this ][ close to living under a vindictive dictator.
As I watch the GQP attempt to dismantle democracy, defund public libraries, constrain what teachers can teach their students, dismantle women’s reproductive rights, and deny a global pandemic, not to mention TFG’s role in allowing it to rage out of control and causing the deaths of almost a million Americans, I have to wonder what they think they will ultimately gain.
One thing you learn living on an island, is that everything is connected and we are all dependent on each other. Every once in a while I think about what would happen if the ferries stopped running and the bridge went down. within a week (probably less) we’d be out of gas, grocery store shelves would be stripped clean, and once the first wind storm hit, we’d lose electric power and we’d would descend into anarchy. The mainland could probably survive for about 2 weeks till it all went to shit.
Well…that took a dark turn…
What do you say we cut the first rant of the year short and get to the new ‘toon?
I promise we’ll have more fun here at The Panda Chronicles this year. Just maybe not today!
While there has been some well deserved criticism on how some journalists cover the various presidential administrations, ZooNooZ has always been right on the money, if we do say so ourselves. We should point out that this segment was filmed BEFORE Bob went out on assignment to interview the zealot zeal of zebras that is currently running amok in suburban Maryland. Just in case you were thinking that Bob escaped unscathed. There was definitely scathing.
But meanwhile…
We are impatiently waiting for the proofs of The Panda Chronicles Book9: What could Possibly go Wrong? to arrive! We will announce it the minute it is available for purchase. Pretty exciting, huh?
And as if I didn’t have enough to do, I volunteered to make some ‘toons in support of a local school board race. I don’t think I have to tell any of the followers of The Panda Chronicles that our political nightmare is not yet over. Even now, the sedition caucus in the Senate was trying to downplay the level of threats and aggression (and sometimes violence) that is happening at school board meetings around the country. I’ll be sharing the ‘toons from the Politics on the Prowl series after they have run in whatever format the campaign uses to share them.
I urge you not to put your head under the covers and sing la-la-la I can’t hear you, as much as we may want to. Please check your voter registration at your state voter portal, spend 10 minutes reading up on the candidates and VOTE this November (or as soon as you receive your mail in ballot.)
You just knew he was going to have something to say about this!
Thank goodness the CA Democratic Party managed to rouse itself and vote in this recall election! We are not done yet with these attempts to overturn democrat. stay engaged and VOTE!
It’s getting harder to keep the faith, but keep the faith we must! Meanwhile, I’m sure things are getting sorted out at the Panda House…is PPJ real, or a collective figment of everyone’s imagination, what with Pinky being a teenager still and living at home with her family.
I had so hoped that once President Biden (No Quotation Marks Needed!) took office, I could stop hearing or thinking about politics, but no…alas, the hypocritical hits just keep on coming!
Meanwhile, the former guy is doing stand-up of his greatest hits, (“the election was stolen”, “I’ll be coming back into power” “The Democrats are destroying democracy”) at any wedding held at his club where they don’t have the sense to lock the doors after all the guests have arrived. There is probably a ‘toon there, although I’m not sure I have the stomach to stand drawing him again.
I promise there will be more cute panda ‘toons, coming soon. As the ghost of the former guy (this seems to be how he is referred to on Twidder, so as not to give any searchable items) just won’t go away, we have a few last things to get out of our system! At least ZooNooZ did not cover #FascistFest®️! No one would volunteer to go to it, so you’ll have to find info on that elsewhere.
Meanwhile, Bob continues to be surprised…
Nixon’s ghost just won’t go away!
Be the bear!
Bob T Panda
Don’t forget! For the month of March (while we are in the Panda Season of Love) every felty order will receive a free roll of Panda Season of Love Washi tape! Decorating fun!
So many dolts, so little time! It is hard to imagine how the junior senator from Texas thought it was in ANY way appropriate to go jetting off to Cancun while most of his state was
A) freezing
B) without electricity or natural gas
C) without water, drinkable or otherwise.
His pathetic excuse of an apology tour on right wing propaganda “news” shows, demonstrates just how completely clueless he is. And this on the heels of his aiding and abetting The Big Lie, which contributed to Mittens attempt at armed insurrection. I’m sure there will have to be a ‘toon about this, but meanwhile…
Minch McTurtle attempts to have it both ways…
Two headed, two faced…why is he still here?
I’m glad most of my Texas friends have checked in to let me know there are okay. Please feel free to chime in in the comments. I know that there are more of you out there in Pandyland.
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
NOOZFLASH!!! Frank says thiswas definitely NOT HIM!!!!
While we have a new President (no quotation marks needed!) I’m afraid we have not seen the last of Mittens. How can we miss you if you won’t go away? I’m tempted to run a post of Mittens’ greatest hits, but, well, he doesn’t have any!
There is news on the Panda Chronicles Collection front! I am hard at work on Book 9, and hope to have it in shape to submit to my self publishing vehicle in another week or so. Stay tuned!
And now, here is a little assortment for our Sunday ‘toon fest, of February ‘toons through the years!
Ever wondered where all these pandas came from?
How splendiferous is chocolate? Let me count the ways
What do you mean by “was?”
The Life of PIE….get it? *chortle chortle*
Could Mama Mei Xiang really be contemplating letting Pinky loose on the pandy kindy?
Have you heard? the real Pinky is now a mommy!
You know we’re just kidding about this, right?
it’s the panda, the panda season of love!
“Why can’t my children be as well behaved as Lun Lun’s,” mused Mei Xiang
In fact, not only was as bad as we thought it would be, it was worse.
Wee are pandas too!!!!
WEll, it COULD have been a hunt of Mittens Jr.!
I hope you enjoyed this trip down memory lane! Stay ‘tooned for more new ‘toons this week!