Category Archives: Uncategorized

Panda Olympic Scandal!!!!!!

Oh Those Pandas!

Well, the pandas have done it again, and I don’t know how we will talk our way out of this one!  I mean no one TOLD us that we couldn’t put rocks in the nose of our bobsled to make it faster. I’m not even sure that rocks are a banned substance, are you? There are just so many rules and since my head is full of panda fluff, it’s hard to remember them all.

Panda On! 


Pandas in the Winter Olympics!!!!

Oh My! Pandas in the winter olympics!  We are all quite excited about our chances in the winter olympics.  The pandas have been practicing on  the ski slopes, the bob sled runs, and most importantly, on the ice skating rink. Know for their grace and athletic ability, pandas are sure to shine on the ice, especially in Ice Dancing. Let’s look in on one of their practice sessions….

As you can see, the pandas are in rare form, and should be valiently victorious aginst TEAM CANADA.

That’s all for now – I have to get back to coach the tibetan bobsled team!

Panda On

Bob the Panda

The Year in Pandas

Well, here we are at the dawn of both a new year, as well as a new decade.  We pandas have been quite busy this last year, what with preparing for the winter olympics, the Bob and Bob project ( that’s the one where I, Bob the Panda, sing all the songs of Bob Dylan, backed up by the all panda band, The Banda-Pandas).  We will be appearing on the Mehitabel Tonite! show some time in the future. But we were talking about LAST year: 2009 in Pandy-land!


The new year started out with the repercussions of Bob’s arrest for biting and mauling a young man who was very moved to hug Bob, because he is so very cute.  When interviewed about the incident on the Mehitabel Tonite! show,  Bob claimed, “It happened so fast…I just felt so, so…violated!”  As Bob did not have bail funds, he was held until his trial in February. Tune in next week for events in February and March of 2009!

Until then, Panda On!

Bob T. Panda

Consequences for hugging pandas

Pandas Are On The Move

Pandas are on the move from blogger to WordPress. I’m not sure why I’m doing this, only that pandas are kind of restless. We just can’t be tied down  to one place. For this reason, pandas were selected to take part in carrying the Olympic Torch on the Great Wall of China. ( see picture). I will be reporting on all the pandatheletes that are taking part in the 2010 Olympic games in Vancouver B.C. Hope you can join us.

Bob The Panda


That’s the name of my new organization. It stands for the “Woodland Park Zoo: Project Panda.” (Every organization, first and foremost, needs an acronym that can be pronounced in a snappy and memorable way. This did not work out quite so well for the Washington Public Power Supply, but hey, we can’t all be pandas, ya know.) I will stop at nothing in my quest to bring pandas to the NorthWest, except of course at emptying my own bank account, which quite frankly, wouldn’t be enough to feed a couple of pandas for a month. So, if there are any millionaires out there reading this, or if YOU know a millionaire, alert them to the mission of WOOZPPAH! and ask them to get in touch with the Seattle Woodland Park Zoo and say, ” We want Pandas here in Seattle, and here is a great big bag of money to help make it happen.”
We pandas have a saying: Someone’s always got more bamboo than you. I’m not quite sure what that means, but I’m passing it along all the same.
Panda On!
Bob T. Panda

Have a Pandy little Christmas..or all I want…

Those of you who are following my comings and goings on InYourFaceBook, may have heard of my recent announcement. I have a cunning plan. I think that there should be pandas in the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle WA. Those who follow the zoonooz, of pandas in particular, know that all the pandas in US zoos are in hot, humid climates. I mean what were they thinking? Would you want to live in Atlanta GA in a fur coat? I think not. I would like to start a grassroots campaign to bring pandas to Seattle. We would love it here! Misty gray skies, cool summers and the occaissional snowfall to play in. Write to your favorite billionaire and ask him or her to start oiling the wheels of progress and bring pandas to Seattle. It can’t hurt to ask, right?
Panda On, and have a pandy little Christmas!
Bob T. Panda

“Tis the Season

When I say it’s the season, I am actually referring to my birthday season, not the impending Halloween-Thanksgiving-Christamas shopping debacle.
I invented the birthday season when I was in college, to accommodate get-togethers with friends at different schools, and it just grew from there. Eventually, it evolved to a one day per year ratio, so that when I turned 25, my birthday season was 25 days long. Now the season is, well, let’s just say that it is longer than one month, but not yet two months. It doesn’t mean that there is a party everyday or that I get presents every day (though THAT is not a bad idea), it’s more of a festive feel to the days. Oh, and I never have to say “no” to cake.
Season’s greeting to all!
Panda on!
Miz “B”

If Pandas Went to the Movies…

If pandas got to go to the movies, they would want to sit through endless repetitions of Kung Fu Panda or maybe The Incredible Journey, the new version staring pandas, of course. They would rush up and down the aisles, throwing popcorn at each other and leave chewed up bamboo ends under their seats. They greatly appreciate the air-conditioned theater but they will spill their bamboo colas on the floor.
Cats, on the other hand, are models of propriety and almost never bring bunny parts in with them. We also have much more in the way of cinematic cats to choose from. I can’t say I think much of the portrayals of cats in Babe, Stuart Little, or Harry Potter, but as they say, there is no such thing as bad publicity. If you need to get in touch with me, I’ll be watching The Aristocats.
Ta-ta for now,

Open Season on Bunnies

Mehitabel here with the latest field and stream report…. well, I wasn’t really in a stream, but we’ve been having a bit of rain recently and I got all WET while I was out… um… shopping. So there I was, bringing my faithful servant a really nice present, and she rushes out and makes me DROP it, and drags me in the house, rubs me with a towel, and then SHE LETS THE BUNNY GET AWAY!!!!!!! I ask you, is this how a grateful person reacts to a charming little present? I mean I didn’t even get to bite its’ little head off. I may have to go back out on strike again if she keeps this up. And don’t even talk to me about birds. (The brightly colored ones taste the best, you know.)
Well, that’s all for now. Hopefully she’ll let me out of the house soon, and then……
Panda On!

Welcome to the Panda Chronicles

Hi, and welcome to the panda chronicles! Mehitabel is allowing me to to make a few comments for her blog. I first became obsessed by pandas when I read a James Fallows article in the Atlantic Monthly about the panda ranches in China. OK they don’t actually call them “ranches” but that’s what I call them. I’ll be posting cartoons about cats, pandas, and cats AND pandas. hope you like them.
Miz “b”