Category Archives: We R Endangered

We R (still) Endangered! (Join the #Mooooovement!)

While the Endangered Species Act is NOT a popularity contest, parody accounts on Twidder definitely are. If you are a Twidderer, do check out and follow Devin Nunes’ Cow! People are having a ball with bovine bon mots while Devin Nunes is having…cow over this and has (allegedly) filed lawsuits against both Twitter AND his own cow! Devin’s Cow is gaining followers at a rate of about 20K per hour and ironically, more people follow Devin’s Cow than voted for him in the last election. Don’t you just love irony?

Update: Devin Nunes’ Cow has surpassed Devin Nunes’ in followers. Isn’t that mooooving? #JustSayMoo

Meanwhile, in the endangered species sector….

The endangered species act is not a popularity contest!

Be the Bovine!
Bob T Panda