Category Archives: ZooNooz

Hey! I got something done, but it’s depressing…

Anyone want to roll the dice for double or nothing for our social Security Checks?

Yeah, me neither.

I bet soon sarcastic quotation marks when referring to F45 or his office will be considered a terroristic act.

Be the Bear
Bob T Fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke Panda

More NooZ from the Swearing Parrots of Lincolnshire Wildlife Park!

I thought we needed a bit of fun NooZ today (because, ya know, so much else completely sucks right now). Fortunately I can always count on my friends to keep an eye on the NooZ and alert me to really important stories. We originally covered this one a while back in 2021…

Indeed, it turned out that when separated, the parrots who swear taught other birds their salty repartee, so the keepers at Lincolnshire Wildlife Sanctuary decided to put them back together, and at least contain the foul language. They discovered, though, that the swearing parrots were a marketing goldmine, and attendance at the sanctuary is up!

Who knew?

It’s not like we don’t have a lot to swear about, right?

Be the Bear
Bob T swearing is good for you Panda

Thanx to Barbara Bee for alerting me to this important update to our earlier report!

Nixon’s Crimes Seem Positively Quaint Now

I’m not sure what to say here. The Nooz is getting very dark, indeed. We need to buckle in and be ready for what is coming.

But that doesn’t mean we won’t make fun of it.

Pretty sure my grandparents didn’t escape from Russia 100 years ago so we could do this all over again.

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

How are you BEARING up?

I can’t lie. It’s getting really scary out there. TR-usk are doing their best to wreck everything that makes our country work. Beyond showing up for protests and writing & calling our Congressional reps, I’m not sure what else we can do. But as long as I have ink and paper, and the internet and the electrical grid to get these ‘toons out to you, I’ll do what I do best: making fun of those evil DOUCHE dogs in ‘toons.

If only bears could really talk!

Did those bears….pants those guys?

Be the Bear
Bob T says always choose the bear Panda

ZooNooZ Investigates: All the Nooz We Can Bear

By which, of course, I mean NooZ about bears. Speaking of bears, I changed the name of my Substack NooZletter to Friendly to Bears. While I am still searching for my Inner Panda, I thought a change was in order. Don’t ask me why. I think it was Frank and Mikey’s idea.

Speaking of Frank and Mikey, I was inspired by the story one of the zookeepers guides told us about their grizzly bear brothers that live at the zoo, and how they arrived there. Frank and Mikey (and Josie) had a similar story about their early days, and how they ended up where they did.

Who knows…it could be true…

The real NooZ is pretty scary and upsetting. If you can make the effort to call and/or email your reps in the House and Senate, it seems to be making a difference. Even if your reps are “Rs” they need to hear from you. Let’s make them nervous that they’ll lose their jobs if they don’t listen to their voters. You are their constituents even if you didn’t vote for them & you’re paying their salary.

Be the Bear
Bob T is friendly to bears Panda

More From the (Red Panda) Resistance

There is need for all kinds of resistance these days, and it’s good to see that some daring red pandas have joined in to resist the onslaught of fascism that is washing up on our shores. All I can say is that if it looks like a Nazi salute, it is almost definitely a Nazi salute.

Ever since the days of Rusty’s audacious escape in DC, he has been an icon of resistance for red pandas everywhere. (Pinky: he can’t be an icon! I am da only icon around here!) A recent story of red pandas going rogue crossed my screen regaling us with tales of daring from a Swiss zoo!

Over the fence and away we go!

Meanwhile back in DC, we have received word here at Panda Chronicles Central, that the DC PandaCam is about to go live! I hope someone has warned Frank and Mikey! It would be VERY embarrassing is they were to get caught on the cam in the Panda House.

Pandas Will Resist!
Bob T we shall overcome Panda

Alas, the Day We Have Been Dreading Approaches

Once again, I have not gotten the ‘toon for today done, but it will be ready for Tuesday. As is now my new practice, when other work (or excessive naps) gets in the way of me finishing the days ‘toon in time to get it posted, I will dive into the archives and find a few relevant ‘toons to bridge the gap till next time.

And boy do we have relevant ‘toons!

Since HWMNBN (aka F45*) is about to lie about upholding the oath to the Constitution again, I thought I’d share a few ‘toons from January of 2017. It’s gonna be a rough ride ahead. We can’t afford to check out entirely (as much as I would like to,) but we do need to be gentle with ourselves and engage in things that make us happy. I worked most of the day in my studio, and then got close to an hour in my garden before it started getting dark around 5. This is definitely an improvement over getting dark at 3:30.

So, without further ado, let’s ride the armored car down memory lane, as we remember Mitten’s first reign of terror!

Can I open my eyes yet?
Whats a protest without pandas?
Hey, save some cuppycakes for me!

Just a reminder to turn off your TV and internet on Monday, the 20th, to protest F45’s return to the WH. Nothing will piss him off more than seeing the terrible TV ratings, and to have the streets practically empty.

Are all these paper clips mine?

The more things change, the more they stay the same. But I hope the following photograph from the 2017 Women’s March held in Langley gives you a bit of hope. Despite the fact that many people (I think there were 4 buses full) went into Seattle for the much bigger march, lots of people came out on that sunny Saturday to stand against F45.

*F45 stands for Felon 45

Women’s March, Langley edition! There were many more people already around the corner, and more behind us. Let’s capture some of that hope for our future. We can at least go down swinging.

We MUST Panda On!
Bob T #WePreferPinky Panda

I Don’t Know About You, But I Sure Feel Endangered!

I finally watched the movie “Cocaine Bear” and while I can’t say it was a great movie, It was…um…interesting, and the bears won. It was a little grizzly (ha ha ha…see what I did there?) but there were some great cameo appearances by a couple of Pookies, and there were certainly some people who got what they deserved, although there were some other people who did NOT deserve what transpired.

Frank and Mikey would like you to know that it absolutely wasn’t them, but they are not so sure that it wasn’t their sister Josie. She’s not telling.

But what does Cocaine Bear have to do with today’s ‘toon? Well, there was some very important Bear NooZ this week…

As we get closer to “D” day, I am more worried and depressed than ever. Frank and Mikey always cheer me up a little and I hope they’ll make you feel better too. Pretty sure they are more qualified than 99.9% of F45’s cabinet picks.

Be the Bear, Everyone!
Bob T we are endangered Panda

Damn! I KNEW I Shouldn’t Have Gone to Sleep Tuesday Night!

Now look what you’ve done! It’s 2025! I’m sure I could have stopped it if I had just stayed up all night. Expect non-stop dumpster fires (Literally!)

I do wish everyone a “Happy” New Year.

Panda-ing on into the apocalypse,
Bob T you can find me under the bed Panda

NooZFlash! The GQP Continue to be Soulless A**holes

Okay, that’s not really a NoozFlash. They are ALWAYS a**holes! I guess if you can do something well, you feel encouraged to do it all the time. I mean…if you’re good at lying and being a racist, I guess you might think it’s a good reason to continue doing it.

Meanwhile, charges have been filed against VD and Donny in Springfield Ohio for their lies comments against the Haitian community there. Fortunately, we have reports that Miss Sassy is alive and well.

Of course ZooNooZ has the interview.

We’ll be reminding you in each post that several of states that could be in play are continuing to purge voters from their rolls. Please check your voter registration ASAP and vote as soon as you are able! The GQP is counting on using dirty tricks to suppress the vote wherever they can, since they definitely can’t win on policy.

And for my friends in the path of Hurricane Helene, one of the things Project 2025 wants to do is disband or privatize NOAA. We all rely on up to date, accurate weather reports, but not having that information when a hurricane or tornado is heading your way, is a matter of life and death.

Don’t let TFG endanger the country on multiple fronts. VOTE!

Be the Bear,
Bob T voting blue all the way Panda