Category Archives: ZooNooz

Beasts Large and Small are Flocking to ZooNooz!

Yet more animals in the NooZ! This time, a gang of swearing parrots were brought to the Lincolnshire Wildlife Park, only to have their cozy little group broken up! You can read all about it here!

I’m sure this is completely unfair to the parrots!

Laughing at them only encourages them!

I know we’re all feeling a bit swear-y still! Who can blame them?

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Elephants are on the Moooove!

My alert friends and readers are always making sure I’ve heard of all the stories of animals misbehaving around the world. These stories almost never disappoint, and this one is no exception!

A herd of about 15 asian elephants have been running amok in towns and farmlands in south Yunnan province, where most of the endangered elephants live. They don’t know why these elephants have gone on walk-about, and they are trying to find a suitable place for them to settle.

Of course, the intrepid roving reporter at ZooNooZ is on the scene!

What could possibly go wrong?

We are in the midst of a heat wave here in the upper left coast! Temperatures in Seattle and Portlandia hit over 100, but here on a small island off in the Puget Sound, we have managed to stay below 100 (at 99) I hear there is not a fan to be found, or an air conditioner, so I am getting up close and personal with every ice pack in the freezer! Temperatures are predicted to drop over night, which will be a welcome relief!

Till then,

Keep Cool
Be the Bear
Panda on

Bob T Panda

Everyone’s Got an Opinion

Who was it that said “everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. They’re not entitled to their own facts.”? Whoever said that, they got it totally right. Unfortunately there is still a large (too large) group of people who either believe the former guy is still “president” and a group that pretends to believe it because they think that stance will benefit them.


But Pinky is ALWAYS right, right?

Pinky is relentless!

There is no rest for those of us who would kind of like democracy to continue being the philosophy of this country. Not that we can’t be better at it, because we can and should be, but a one party authoritarian state would definitely not be an improvement!

Panda on,
Bob T Panda

A Whale of a Tale

Animals have been in the NooZ again! Elephants rampaging in China, bears cavorting in streams on bear cams and bears getting locked in cars! Where will it all end?!?!?

And now, this!

Based on a true story!

We did not make this story up!

Be the Bear (or whale)
Bob T Panda

I’m pretty sure I need one of these.

Imagine! I could be taking a nap on the couch, and just when I need to wake up, it would come over and nudge me, bringing me a cold drink and a snack! I realize these inventions are created for people with mobility issues, but what a boon for the laziest among us!!! I think I need another nap! Binky! fetch me a soda!

One small step for pandas!

I welcome our robot overlords!!!

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda

Was This Problem SO Major?

It is such a wonderful thing to have furry inhabitants in the White House again. (Stephen Miller, who seems to be some variety of lizard, doesn’t count) But it not been all rawhide chews and squeaky toys for the canine cohorts of the West Wing! There have been *incidents*!

And weren’t we promised a White House cat? (Please don’t name it Mittens!!!)

It’s all fun and games till someone poos on the Oval Office carpet!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Technology hates me

Still finding work arounds for all my technical difficulties. I just updated my operating system and now my scanner doesn’t want to work. Uh oh. I am getting the “offline” notice again, which is always encouraging. (not)

Anyway, fortunately I have this week and next week’s ‘toons scanned so I have a bit of time to figure this out!

Here’s today’s ‘toon!

The idiocy of the GOP never ceases to amaze me.

Meanwhile, I am reading about Minch McTurtle’s feud with corporations. I guess it’s okay to take money from them, as long as they don’t contradict you? IDK.

Till later,
Call the Panda Kindergarten tech team!

Bob T Panda
(being da bear!)

Who are YOU calling a fool, April?

While it is a relief to have someone I can call “President” unironically, I still am traumatized enough by my memories of the former guy that every time I hear a phrase that includes “The White House” or “POTUS” I have a momentary flood of dread until I remember that Joe Biden is President and that he is doing what needs to be done to get this country back on track.

That all is not well, that Asian Americans are being targeted and attacked, that a 17 year old girl had the courage and foresight to film a police attack on an unarmed man, I still can’t rest easily.

But we have survived another month! More people are getting vaccinated and I will hold onto the hope that gives me. I really hope I can visit Bikkie and his parents this fall. That is just one of my hopes.

Meanwhile, Bob and Mehitabel try to figure out what’s real and what’s an April Fools Joke!

Poor Bob! What do you do when every thing that’s true seems like a prank?

Can we skip the April Showers and go straight to the flowers?

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Don’t You Want Somebody to Hug…

It’s been a long year, hasn’t it? Isolated in our pandemic quarantine quarters, zooming with friends or for work or for school. Only now, as vaccines are happening, are (some) people coming cautiously out of their dens…

Except of course for the morons who just can’t stay out of crowded bars and other places, and have been spreading viruses around like penny candy at a parade…

Meanwhile, some enterprising farms have a solution for that profound feeling of isolation we are all feeling…

Personally, I think the cows should get at least SOME of the money!

Okay…so I’m starting to get used to this new editing format, but I don’t like it yet.

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Six More Weeks of Procrastination!

Yes, once again, it’s Groundhog’s Day and we have another visit from Punxsutawney Phil. I’m pretty sure I misspelled Punxsutawney in my ‘toon, but there is only so much room and just maybe it is a DIFFERENT Phil from a DIFFERENT small town in Pennsylvania. As luck would have it, Eastern PA is currently being buried under a s**t pile of snow, so I think it’s a pretty safe bet that Phil will think we are going to have six more weeks of winter, whether he sees his shadow or not.

Here, for your enjoyment, are several haikus extolling the joys of winter:

Still sleeting out there
Maybe it will never stop
It will always sleet

A half inch of sleet
Will make my shoveling harder
F**k this stupid storm

On further review
It is also still sleeting
WTF weather?

Thanks to our guest poet, who did not give me permission to share her poems. 🙄 Thanks Cami!

And now, Live on ZooNooZ, our interview with Punxsutawney Phil!

Punxatawny, Punxsutawney…what’s a few letters between friends?

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

In case you missed Phil’s visit last year…

Phil is kind of excitable, isn’t he?