It is futile to resist the pookiness of the Pookies. Don’t even try!
It is a sad fact, that when bears come into contact with people, the bear is often the loser. When I visited the Calgary Zoo a few years ago (in the “before times”) their resident grizzly bear was a many times offender. They had his rap sheet posted outside his enclosure. He was one of the lucky ones. Instead of being killed for his many incursions on cars and garbage cans, there was a place for him at the Calgary Zoo, where he has lived a long and peaceful life.
Pookie Two’s mom, from Montana, was not so lucky. She had become habituated to grazing in garbage cans, and while we could only hope that she might eat a certain congresswoman from Colorado, she won’t get the chance. But don’t tell Pookie Two. She thinks her mom moved to a farm upstate. Do you want to be the one to tell her?
I didn’t think so.
Be the Bear Bob T I hardly ever eat out of trashcans Panda
I know I tend to re-use names. For the first couple years of my descent in to Pandaholism, all my panda stuffies were named “Bob”. We will try to differentiate between the Seattle Pookies, and Bikkie’s friend from Alaska, Pookie.
I’m sure we’ll manage!
And while I really hate leaving the island to go into civilization, I am determined to shepherd the Pookies at The Woodland Park Zoo through their cubbyhood! I know I should not bring this up, but we could be looking at a temporarily (we hope it’s just temporary) panda-less existence here in the US. Memphis’s pandas leave near the end of this year, and the Pandalanta Pandas and the DC pandas contracts are running out. There is still no word on whether pandas will return to SanDiego. The pandemic put a definite crimp in the budgets of the zoos and the US is not getting along particularly well with China.
We are going to have to fall in love with some different sorts of bears.
It means it’s time to make some New Year’s resolutions! Or is it?
I don’t know…is it really productive to look at all the ways you failed last year and say you’re going to fix those things, except you’ve been making the same resolutions for…oh, I don’t know…50 years and you haven’t done any of them yet?
Maybe I need to resolve more achievable goals. Like: Eat more cake Take more naps Don’t sweat the small stuff Embrace your inner Panda
What are you going to do next year? Who’s with me? Join the Cake Party!!!
If you think what Pinky is doing over at Poot’er is wild, you should get a load of what’s happening at Twidder!
One minute He who must not be Offended is firing all the people who actually know how to do anything, and the next minute he is trying to hire them back because he doesn’t know how to the run the joint. Hard to decide whether to stay or go. So many people and pandas that it’s my only avenue of contact, weighed against knowing how abusive he is being to the people who work there.
Will we change Mittens to a jellyfish? Hmmm…I think he needs to be something more dangerous. Maybe he will just be represented by a flaming dumpster. What do you think? After all, Gary Trudeau never actually drew W in his ‘toons…
Be the Bear Bob T is mulling things over Panda
Did you remember to head over to Substack for the last installments of The Wizard of Wu and the complete A Halloween Carol! What are you waiting for?