Once again, we return to the story of a bear that loved cuppycakes not wisely, but too well. So, what happens after a bear becomes famous for behaving badly?
He goes on a talk show, of course!

Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story
As luck would have it, one of my faithful readers actually knows the people this happened to! No, really!!!! So here’s an email that they sent to all of their friends, to tell them of the incident:
“Hi All~
“Don’t know if you caught this in your local news, but we had an exciting first birthday party for our son Jackson! Minutes before guests were arriving at our house, a black bear climbed on our roof and fell through our skylight!
“Thankfully no one was hurt. Glenn and the bear had a bit of a stand off The bear ate some cupcakes and then I was able to shoo him out the back door. This crazy stuff only happens in Alaska!
You can read the real news story here. And special thanks to another faithful reader who suggested that maybe the party Mr Bear crashed was one of the panda kindergarten’s birthday season parties. (I lost track of who that was…please comment here so I can give you credit -or blame. :o) )
Keep being the bear!
Bob T. Panda
What a small world it is. And wonderful, Thankfully no one was hurt and Mehitabel could share this wonderful story. If I was Mr B. Bear, I’d fear the the panda girls over the so many others, any day. Happy Art Weekend.
The panda girls are a force to be reckoned with.. I would NOT steal their cuppycakes.
The art weekend is going well, but boy am I pooped!
Agrh, the ether ate my first comment and it was a dandy. The short version is that black bears learn very quickly and if they find food – or cuppycakes -in one house they will then try another house in hopes of getting more. If a bear bangs a door when it smells food and it gains entrance, it will start walking up to houses and knocking – true story. Here’s one example: http://www.all-creatures.org/stories/a-apolite.html ha! There’s no way known to deprogram them and so eventually they end up getting shot. Do Panda’s knock before entering?
Sorry the comments ate your comment. I hate when it does that. Poor bears just don’t get a break. I’m pretty sure that adult pandas will knock and wait patiently to be invite in, but the panda kindergarten will come down your chimney if they can’t just jimmy the locks.
And they did just that to the actual bear. So this cartoon is cute, but it doesn’t tell the whole story, does it? Another example of animals who suffer because humans think they can take over their habitat.
You are too right. I did not tell the whole story in the cartoon. It is always a delicate balance between creating a “funny” especially when the real story is something that is not funny at all, or at least parts of it are tragic or sad. My hope is always that the “funny” that I present in my cartoons will get people’s attention and that maybe they will go on to find out about the real plight of endangered species, be they pandas, tigers, or any number of other species that are threatened in “the real world” by human encroachment on animal habitat, or human greed, or human stupidity. Not everyone will, and not everyone who does will go on to do something about it.
One person’s tragedy is another person’s punchline. It is (generally) not my intention to offend, but sometimes I do. This doesn’t mean I don’t take these things seriously. It just means I try to pull out what “funny” I can, so I can get out of bed in the morning.
Peace and affection, Rumpy.
It didn’t offend anyone my panda friend. I simply want to remind one that while animal interactions with humans may seem cute, they often end tragically for the animal.
you are too right. Thank you for caring about our furry brethren..
How incredible that someone you know knows the family involved!
Love the view of the bear from below 🙂
Small world, huh? I love the view of the bear from below, too. (and that he thought the cuppycakes wanted to invite him to the party.)