Day 22: Princess Pinky is a STAR!

But you already knew that, didn’t you?  Well, now it’s official, at least according to Smithsonian Magazinewhere Princess Pinky Bao Bao is this month’s cover girl. And in her Princess Pinky fashion, she demanded a cartoon to commemorate the occasion.

A girl’s gotta do, what a girl’s gotta do, and that applies equally to mama pandas.

Bao Bao, Smithsonian Magazine cover

Beware, the power of the paw!

Don’t you just hate it when your mom hides your important stuff?

Well, we have just 9 more days remaining in our 31 Days of Pandas series, and we are going to wind up the year with a short feature presentation, It’s a WUnderful Life! Tune in tomorrow for the first episode.

Thank you, to everyone who has joined in with the panda fun! I am so glad you have come along for the ride.

Peace be with you, embrace your inner panda, and keep being the bear.
Bob T. Panda

6 thoughts on “Day 22: Princess Pinky is a STAR!

  1. Vicky V

    Congratulations Princess Pinky on becoming a Cover Girl for a such a prestigious magazine!! Now the world can enjoy your panda cuteness as much as we do.
    But I wonder what (or who) happened to your magic wand?

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Um…Princess Pinky’s mom thought that her magical wand was just the teeniest bit advanced for pinky, and so “put it away” till “later”

  2. bostonbunny

    This Wizard of Wu adventure has been as much fun as a barrel of cuppycakes! Because of your great drawing and sense of humor, I’ve enjoyed each installment many times over.

      1. bostonbunny

        How could I not? Bee is in it!

        I must mention that this Pinky episode is the cutest thing I have ever seen!!! I can’t stop looking at it. The tutu, the roundness, the feet, the expressions – all over the top!

        1. Panda in Chief Post author

          She is totally adorable, I must admit. While I have been a fervent Wu supporter this last year, I must admit that Pinky has stolen my heart. Expect to see a lot from her in the coming year. I’m so glad you are enjoying her!


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