I hope you are having fun with Princess Pinky and all her new outfits. Wait! All, you say? Yes! Here is another new outfit for Pinky, inspired by my recent tour of 19 Art Museums (yes! 19! really!) on the East coast of the US of A.
Since my return, I’ve been attempting to catch up on new pandas for you, oh loyal fans of panda satire! Just to give you a few hints, more of your beloved pandas will get their own paper dolls (move over Babette de Panda!), Mr. Wu will finish his current adventure, and then appear in a short holiday special (It’s a Pandaful Life) and who knows WHAT the panda kindergarten is now getting up to, except that it might involve operations at the North Pole AND cuppycakes!
And without any further delay, we bring you Princess Pinky’s next outfit!

Inspired by one of Pinky’s favorite artworks, a sculpture by Edgar Degas, which seems to be in every art museum on the east coast.
And for those of you who are technically challenged (like my self), here is pinky in her new outfit!
And because it’s Fabulous Furry Friday, there must be an encore presentation for the folks playing along at home!
Stay tuned through the weekend for MORE 31 Days of Pandas! And don’t forget, The Panda Chronicles book make EXCELLENT holiday presents!
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda