Oh, this is getting so so SO scary! Almost flying monkey scary; almost Congress voting to take away our healthcare scary! Okay, nothing could be THAT scary, but still….
Things are getting real here!

When trouble arrives, it’s time to call for some MEIHEM!!!!!
Panda On!
Bob T Panda
It slays me that Pinky’s holding Mr. Bun! So stressful…
When the going gets tough for Pinky, Mr. Bun steps in to the rescue!
I’m happy Pinky and Mr Bun will have reinforcements to deal with this crisis. Hopefully Mr Wu can use his detective skills to find out where the missing cubbies are.
Mr. Wu is on the job!(But Bert has something up her sleeve!)
I bet she does! Those Meihems are good in a crisis.
That they are! It is the motto of the Panda Scouts! Be prepared (for Pinky!)
It takes a lot of training to be prepared for Pinky!
Yes it does!