Well, I had hoped to bring you a new cartoon today, but I am still having technical difficulties with getting the computer to recognize the scanner. I did get the software installed appropriately, because it now shows up in the applications folder, but despite the restarting and overbooting and unplugging and reconnecting of the components, it still says ; you are so scr%##92@d. in the error message.
or something like that.
Well, the big news today is that the winners of the international Giant Panda Zoo Awards for 2013 were announced this morning right at the home of the Twinkies at Zoo Atlanta, and let me tell you, there is some grumbling from other quarters if you know what I mean! The Twinkies won the coveted “Cub of the Year” award, and all I can say is it’s a very good thing that mama Mei hid Princess Pinky’s magical wand, or I think she would’ve marched her fuzzy little princess self down to Atlanta, and given them the biggest >poof< since General Sherman came through town.

Beware, the power of the paw! At least Pinky is a cover girl!!!!
Not only that, but…and I can hardly say this without shaking in my boots, but Mr Wu did NOT win the Panda Personality of the Year award.
WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?????? Mr. Wu is not speaking to reporters this morning, as he needs to…um…collect himself.

Is this a personality or what?

Uh oh. All is not well in Pandyland!
I’m hoping I can resolve my computer issues over the weekend, because, hello? I have NEW cartoons to post, so anyone who can give me some advice that actually works will be rewarded. (not with money, mind you, because, let’s face it, panda satire is not the most lucrative profession in the world. But I could send you some panda goodies!)
Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda
Generally what I do when I run into an incompatibility problem is Google it. For example: “My computer (whatever it is) will not recognize my (printer, scanner, blah blah)”. A bunch of stuff shows up, some is crap but generally something works. For instance, I have a printer that will not print with one of my laptops unless I hit the print button before I turn on the printer. Does this make sense? Of course not. Other times it won’t print until I restart the computer. There is probably a simple solution. Have you emailed the scanner’s manufacturer? Believe me if you are having a problem others are also and there is usually some good advice on line.
thank you!
Are you sure the Panda Kindergarten aren’t behind the technical difficulties?
Thanks for the Panda Awards Link.
And the winners are The Twinkies!! (Beware the Wrath of the Wand)
Great news for Pandas International.
Even our Aussie Funi made it with Silver 🙂
Hope you can post new cartoons soon – but the repeats are appreciated!
Glad you are enjoying the repeats. It always gives me a chuckle too. “Oh! did I write that?” I’m pretty sure the panda kindergarten has had a paw in my technical difficulties. They have been awfully quiet of late…
One day they will rule the world, they couldn’t do any worse.
Any plans on a comic with Princess Pinky greeting her adoring fans? She was a pretty big hit this past weekend and WAY adorable (people drove hours to see her on her debut, including me LOL!)
First, I’m jealous that you have gotten to see the actual Pinky in all her glory (in person no less!) before I did. Second, that is an excellent idea. I will put it my my cartoon idea board right now. Thanks! Next time you go see the princess, tell her “hey” for me, ‘kay?
Not sure when I will get back to DC again, but will do! She was carried out by her keeper for her official debut and I guess you could say she was “on parade” in front of the window- definitely befitting a Princess! All you heard were sharp intakes of breath and “Awww!” with “How cute!!!” Mei definitely seemed proud of herself, too!
And wouldn’t you love to be Nicole (her Nanny), who got to carry the little princess out to meet her fans. amazing how fast she has grown!