Yes, there really is an International Polar Bear Day. There is also Take Your Cat to Work Day, Intergalactic Cuppycake Day, and Panda Awareness Day. Okay, some of those I’m a little fuzzy on, but today really is International Polar Bear Day.
Therefore, we thought it was high time we shared as many of the polar bear cartoons we could find in our archives! Huzzah!

Oh those polar bears! What jokers they are!

Mr Polar Bear! It’s not time for lunch yet!

Polar Bears are really, really, REALLY big, compared to pandas!

Pandas using performance enhancing substances? Say it isn’t so!
Have a happy International Polar Bear Day! Where being the bear REALLY means something!
Bob T. Panda
Hmmm…those clever Polar Bears…Panda leg warmers and ear muffs! What will they (burp) think of next?
Polar bears are almost as clever as the panda kindergarten. We must fervently hope that they do not join forces. Burp.
Love this tribute to International Polar Bear Day 🙂
That polar bear in panda disguise reminds me of an Italian circus.
Hee hee! I think we need more polar bears here.