(The Panda House, that is!)
Yes, Frank and Mikey are home from their Alaskan adventure, (Mei Xiang: wait a minute…what do you mean by HOME????) Six and Sebben are back in PandaLanta, and Bebe Maurice has returned to France to meet his petite zizzies and turn them into internationally renowned painting models!

You might be thinking: What could they possibly be unpacking?
Silly you! Their pajamas, of course! What! Do you think they sleep au natural???? We may be animals but we’re not SAVAGES!!!!
I just realized that next Sunday is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! So, of course I will be re-running the Mr. Wu the Pirate ‘toons! Prepare to talk like a Pirate!
Till Thursday,
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda