It’s been a year, so far, these first 2 weeks of F45’s second reign of terror, hasn’t it? Meanwhile the Skipping Dipshit is up to his elbows in our personal information, along with his band of marauding incels.
I would much rather think about bears, so that is what I’m going to do.*
*I am writing my reps in the Senate and the House almost daily because they need to know what we think about all this insanity that is going on right in front of us.
So let’s bring on the BEARS!

A reminder that animals also suffer in devastating fires like the ones in and around L.A. in January.
Be the Bear
Bob T is hanging in there Panda
A big pandy thank you to ALL of you who alerted me to this story! Keep those bear stories coming! The community of friends of bears is mighty and we will get through this together.
Yes, it has been a year so far — I’ve been shaking my head so much I’m going to give myself a permanent neck injury. ☹️ I did read about that poor bear — he was so afraid of the fire — I’m very glad he found a safe place to hide and wasn’t injured.
It’s always good when a bear can be safe. Somehow we will get through this, till maybe we can’t. But till then, I’ll be here, drawing pandas and bears, and poking the patriarchy. Glad you are here too!
On Inauguration Day I was in Wichita Kansas getting ready to watch the US Figure Skating Championships. I spent the day, in a snowstorm at the Sedgwick County Zoo where I was one of maybe 5 visitors. I fell in love with Takelma and Sama, orphaned black bear cubs. Yes it’s winter they should be in torpor but they’re kids just loving sliding and wrestling in the snow. And I was the only one that day in their audience.
Somehow watching Pookies in a snowstorm seems like an excellent metaphor for these times. How could you not fall in love with those orphaned cubbies? How could you not fall on the ground weeping at the thought of those figure skaters competing in the spotlight and then have them plummet into the icy waters of the Potomac? How can we get out of bed each morning to face yet another assault on people trying to get by, on all of us trying to get through the world. We stand in a blizzard, and we watch pookies frolic in the snow, knowing that against all odds they have found shelter.