I’m pretty sure you are not surprised

You’re not surprised, right? I sure hope Mommee Mei does not find out about this! I’m sure this is not what it looks like.
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
I wanted to announce my felty cat project. It is explained in more detail on the Felties revised page, but here’s the gist:
I have now made about 25 felty cats. I want to do a special benefit with them, so after my production and mailing costs, I’ll be making a donation of $25 per (felty) cat to the Whatcom County Humane Society, in Bellingham WA. They do a wonderful service with their animals and even though I’m not in a place where I am ready to have another cat, I want to support them. For now, I am going to limit it to 25 cats, but if I find I make another surplus, I will do something like this again. I’ll post the remaining number of cats each day I post a new ‘toon. Cats are $55 each, including US shipping. (I can ship internationally, but the actual shipping charges will be added to the amount.)
Given the state of the world right now, I expect I will continue to need to keep making felties. It is almost as relaxing as watching panda videos!