Do I need to supply trigger warnings? I don’t know…it does have a happy ending, if I’m not revealing too much!
The AQI (Air Quality Index) is at 163 as I write this. Portland OR’s AQI has been bouncing between 300+ to well over 500. 😳 This is not good. Haven’t they (we) suffered enough? And now our smokey air has spread all the way yo the east coast!
Good thing Mei is staying in with little Sweet Pea XT4.

Mommee Mei always knows the right thing to do and say!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
This is so sweet. I love Ping! I love Mommee Mei! And little Sweetpea! Ping is comforted by Mommee! Just touched my heartstrings! Ping must never go away! He is in a special place in my heart! He and I will have a long talk today! Sweetie bear!
I am so immersed in these little creations of your mind!
Thank you!
Poor Ping. Bubba would be more than heartbroken if Ping was taken back to China. Which is how I felt about Bao Bao and Bei Bei. Thank goodness YOU are in control of the situation.
Indeed, I am in in control. None of the pandas will leave their fictional world.
Aw…..this was a really sweet one. We all love Ping. I love his bunny with spots that match Ping! Thanks for posting such a sweet panel. In our nasty, contentious world it’s nice to see something that has kindness and love.
I’m glad you like this. Ping is very near and dear to my heart, having made a person to panda connection with his namesake in China. In a scary world, it’s good to know that Mommee Mei’s love has no boundaries.
Ping sitting a darkened room – No! Ping crying – Hell No!! Ping Basking in Mei and XT4’s love – Yes Please!!!
Stories must have tension. Huzzah for happy endings.
*Ping* is the family’s heart. He must stay!
He is definitely staying. Mommee has spoken! Plus little XT4 adores him.
Thanks for this sweetest start to bebe’s introduction into the family. News has been so depressing this week that I really needed this. It brought me tears, but tears of joy that there is goodness in the world, even if it’s a fictional story.
PS ~ Excuse my ignorance, but what does XT4 mean? Did I miss something?
XT4 is shorthand for Xiang Tian #4 cubbies! I don’t know who came up with that, one of the #PandaTwitter folks. Someone has also made a Twitter account for the new cubby, which I have forgotten at the moment. Its either @CubbyTBD or @TBDCubby. sigh…My brain is full of fluff and full of sorrow at the loss of RBG. Apparently, it is not good even to THINK “what else can possibly go wrong” because then something terrible happens. I’m glad if my story brought some catharsis. If you haven’t figured it out already, I like writing stories that have some stakes to them, and not just light, happy tales.
I feel like we are piling many hopes and prayers on this small cubby’s shoulders. But we must have something to hope for.
Thanks for taking the time to respond to my question and comment. Yes, I too am devastated by RBG leaving us at such a critical time. What more can happen, besides our water heater in the kitchen springing a leak today? But I believe that she can give Joe and other down-ticket candidates plenty of help from where she is now!
I really want to believe that. I bet John Lewis met her at the Gates of Heaven, brought her a drink and said, “We have work to do. Let’s get in some good trouble.”
Arrgh! Water heaters! I may have to replace my furnace this year. The trouble with having moved into a new house 20 years ago, is everything is breaking at the same time!