It’s time for that holiday that is celebrated in the good old US of A, you know, the one where you get together with family you don’t particularly want to see, argue with Uncle George about what the current “resident” of the WH is really up to, the one where you eat way too much of food you don’t really like and then it’s time for PIE!
Once I moved far, far from home, and got to have this holiday extravaganza with friends of my own choosing, my attitude changed somewhat. (I do like pie, and why doesn’t anyone still make the sweet potato casserole with melted marshmallows on top?) I continue to be thankful for spending time with people I love.

Princess Pinky says, she is thankful for cuppycakes and da panda kindygarten and her magical wand!
And now we know about all the cultural/genocidal implications of our first National Holiday, which I won’t get into here, but need to be acknowledged. That makes celebrating this holiday kind of cringe-worthy, and yet…
I think it is a good thing to be thankful for the many things that have come our way. If we can separate the history of white europeans invading these shores, and all that followed afterward (because, if you aren’t an indigenous person, you are an immigrant no matter how many generations ago your ancestors got here) I think that is okay to have a holiday in which we acknowledge what we are thankful for.
So here’s a list of some of the things I’m thankful for:
Artistic talent
Good health
A home of my own
Trees that surround my house
People who appreciate (and buy!) my art, my writing and panda satire
Did I remember to mention pandas?
Friends who like to visit pandas
Art museums
Scottish terriers
A convenient grocery store
I could go on!

Coffee tastes better when you have it with Pinky!
But meanwhile, it’s time to get ready for 31 Days of Pandas!!!!
That’s something we should all be thankful for! As we head into full on impeachment mode, we may be watching, in real time, the 45th “president” of these here United States dissolve, self destruct, maybe even burst into flames in front of our very eyes! We are going to need all the funny we can get if we want to get through this alive!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
Scottish Terriers made the list! Arrooooo!!!
But of course they did! I’ll never forget the first time I went out with Mr. Badger. His Scottish Terrier, Celts, was sitting in the back seat, and she immediately jumped between the seats onto my lap when I got in the car. He said, “you don’t have to let her sit there” and she looked at him as if to say, “what are you talking about!?!? Of COURSE she wants me to sit here!”