I finally watched the movie “Cocaine Bear” and while I can’t say it was a great movie, It was…um…interesting, and the bears won. It was a little grizzly (ha ha ha…see what I did there?) but there were some great cameo appearances by a couple of Pookies, and there were certainly some people who got what they deserved, although there were some other people who did NOT deserve what transpired.
Frank and Mikey would like you to know that it absolutely wasn’t them, but they are not so sure that it wasn’t their sister Josie. She’s not telling.
But what does Cocaine Bear have to do with today’s ‘toon? Well, there was some very important Bear NooZ this week…

As we get closer to “D” day, I am more worried and depressed than ever. Frank and Mikey always cheer me up a little and I hope they’ll make you feel better too. Pretty sure they are more qualified than 99.9% of F45’s cabinet picks.
Be the Bear, Everyone!
Bob T we are endangered Panda
If I believed in deities, I’d think we pissed the heck out of one right now. Can’t Pinky dig her wand out and do something???
Pinky: mommee said I wasn’t allowed to poof mittens , dat it would cause a internashunal incident or something like dat. mommee is no fun.