…The IMPEACHMENT METER!!!!!!!! Insanity! Crimes against humanity! Letting foreign powers write your policies and pick your cabinet! Inciting violence! Grifting! Lying!

Made by the same highly scientific company as the Cute-o-Meter!
IT ALL COMES DOWN TO CAKE…. Do I eat more vegetables and cut out the cheeseburgers or do I admit we are all going to die…pass the CAKE!!!!
Be the (sob) Bear
Bob T Panda
Wow, that Impeachment Meter needle is spinning faster than Bubba’s beanie when Pinky threatens to “borrow” Banky Pig.
And no wonder! So many crimes and only one needle. It has to work overtime!
Did you hear about the three red pandas born in Kansas City? Yeah, I know they’re Red, but they and their mom Kate, deserve a welcome. After all, we are Pandaholics!
All pandas are cute, and I love baby red pandas. They are fun to draw, and I like imagining them as feisty trouble makers. Thanks for letting me know.