This happens to me all the time. I’ll be doing something or reading stuff on Twidder or Fezbook, and I’ll get a great idea for Sunday’s encore presentation of ‘toons. Then I get on the computer and I realize I’ve completely forgotten my very good, perfect, incredibly brilliant idea for Sunday’s post.
I am a bear of very little brain…
Oh! I just remembered one thing (the bear of little brain having jogged my memory): There have been new reports and camera sightings of the albino panda that has been seen in China! We did a ‘toon about him/her when they were first seen on camera in 2019.

I’m not a snowflake. You are a snowflake!
Which leads me to thinking about the injustice of wildlife cameras spying on pandas!

The secret lives of the wild panda!
And not only wild pandas are being spied on…

What’s that blinking red light over there?

I has no sekrets!!!!
And then the ‘toon about Snowflake also made me think of…

The irony of Mehitabel criticizing Pooh Bear for his wardrobe, does not escape me.

I’m not sure Mehitabel has anything to talk about.
Fortunately, all is quiet at the panda house! Have a relaxing (Mittens free) Sunday!

Mei and Tian2 contemplate the joys of the not very empty nest. (Grizzly bears take up a lot of room!)
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda