I Wasn’t Napping, I Was…um…Meditating…

Ever since I discovered that Mei Xiang and Lun Lun are half sisters, it has opened my eyes to the relationship between Six and Sebben. How is that, you might wonder…

Funny you should ask…

Now you know why I keep my old style dial phone/landline around! It comes in very handy for those annoying robocalls!

Oh those panda sisters!

A brief procedural note, I had to take down the felty panda page because it wasn’t working correctly. You can still request and order felty pandas. I will try to highlight some here on the main page I try to rebuild a page that actually works! Just remember, my tech knowledge is shallow yet narrow!

Till next time!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

The Bikkiesaurus! Available in 3 colors (I like the blue the best, but also available in Yellow and red- scale colors will vary)The red and blue fibers are custom dyed by me! The Bikkiesaurus is available for $64 including shipping all on his own, or for $85 with Bankypigasaurus and the Mr. Bunasaurus! (also including shipping)

4 thoughts on “I Wasn’t Napping, I Was…um…Meditating…

  1. Vicky V

    Always fun when Mei Xiang and Lun Lun chat. 🙂 I would love to see how Lun Lun copes with a visit from Pinky, Bubba and Ping. Not to mention what Six and Sebben might do on their own turf – Nobody puts Pinky in da oben!!

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Six and Sebben probably have all kinds of booby traps for unwitting visitors. Somehow I don’t think a visit is goin g to happen any time in the near future, after all, Frank and Mikey just got home. although, if Tian Tian needs to add another room on so they can stay permanently, Mei might have to ship them all off!

      1. Vicky V

        Frank and Mikey can take Bikkie with them then Lun Lun would really have a full house! But I am terrified at what booby traps Six and Sebben may have constructed. Better for them all to stay safe at home. 🙂

        1. Panda in Chief Post author

          I’m not sure Mei is ready to let Bikkie out of her sight for that long. Even under the watchful gaze of Beary Poppins. (Or maybe ESPECIALLY with him in charge) I think the construction crew will just have to work around the chaos!


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