Poor, poor, adorable little Pinky. She is so misunderstood. What is a small panda with visions of grandeur to do, but to run for president? And what can that poor panda do when her mommee thwarts her at every turn?
As Pinky likes to remind me, I’m not bad, I’m just drawn that way.

Mei Xiang and the Zoo Director have gotten their panties in a knot, it seems.
Ha ha! Sorree, mommee.
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
Panda videos – very relaxing! That Pinky is almost too much!! Should we be worried that the female triplet is developing such a fondness for Pinky?
That Pinky! She is such a card. The only thing that we need to worry about the little female minion being enthralled with Pinky, is that Pinky will have an all too willing disciple to do her dirty work. I am not expecting Pinky to play fair in all this election stuff, and if she has a minion or three that excessively idolize her, I just don’t even want to think about all the mischief they might get up to. Snort.
Speaking of relaxing videos… does Pinky realize that her mommy is the famous sneezing baby panda (as recently revealed by Pandas International) or does Mommy have her own secrets?
That was an unexpected bit of news, and I am not yet sure if Pinky is aware of her mother’s claim to stardom. I think it is panda satire gold, of course. Perhaps Mama Mei will drop this little tidbit on her precocious daughter at an opportune moment.
Poor Pinky, doesn’t realize she’s tangling with the most famous panda on the internet…
Or could it be a possible endorsement?
I’m guessing that Pinkynwill turn this to her own advantage. After she gets over the shock, of course, that her mother may be more famous than Pinky, and at such a tender young age, too. Thanks to Pandas International for tracking down the secret identity of the sneezing Baby panda!
Panda videos *are* very relaxing! And a princess needs her court.
Well exactly! I think the minions will be an excellent court for Princess Pinky! And panda videos are VERY relaxing. Right Mei? Right?
Whoa! I’ve never seen Mommee looking so fierce! If Hollywood decides to make another scary movie, Mommee can star in, “I Am A Mommee Were-Bear!” or “A Chinese/American Were-Bear in DC!”
Just because pandas have this cute and cuddly reputation, it doesn’t mean we’re easy! We can be very VERY fierce if the need arises, like if…um…someone gets between me and the last cuppycake. Pinky’s Mommee is one tough cookie. and she has had a film career from an early age! We will discuss that on Fabulous Furry Friday this week!
Oh I can definitely understand the cuppycake thing, Panda in Chief! Especially if they are chocolate! Grrrr!!!
Oooo, can’t wait to hear about Mommee’s movie career!
I bet it rivaled Greta Garbear in “Bearmille” and “Grand Bear-Den”. Or Gloria Swanbear in “Sunset Bearevard”.
Putting a paw-mark on the calendar right now!
Well, Mei was what you might call a child actor, as she was rather young during her early film stardom.
Oooo, a Judy Garbear or Shirbear Temple! Neat!!!