…but I play one in Congress. Well, I have been restraining myself (somewhat) on commenting on the political shenanigans coming out of Washington DC (heretofore known as “The OTHER Washington) but I’m afraid they’ve riled me yet again. Actually, I’m in a fairly constant state of rage and anxiety these days, as are many of my friends. Doctor Doctor can’t you give me something to ease my pain and suffering? Nope, sorry. Political anxiety is no longer covered by your insurance. You may want to print this list to see who you want to vote out in 2018.
Unless, of course, you are a member of Congress, and then you have the best healthcare in the country, paid by guess who?
So, with all that in mind, it seems like a great time to replay these ‘toons, in which Bob plays a soap opera doctor, on All My Pandas Time of General Suffering…or something like that.
Oh, Doctor …
And it is but a small leap (well in my mind, anyway) from pandas pretending to be soap opera doctors to pandas with gender identity issues, because you know your government wants to have something to say about that too!
You knew I was going to share this cartoon again, didn’t you?
Panda On!
Thank you for making me laugh after the horrors of yesterday (not that the future looks any brighter unless the whole lot is impeached). Time for Victory Gardens to start again in every back yard just to stay healthy I think. Thank goodness for Pandas.
I feel more inclined to inhale large numbers of cuppycakes, but that’s just me.
There is no relief until thenimpeachment proceedings are underway.