Oh yes, Inspector Panda is back for the next episode of The Case of the Picturesque Panda, starring Robert Thelonious Panda as Inspector Panda, Babette du Panda as the mysterious Babette du Panda, Mr Wu as Inspector Panda’s clever assistant, and who knows who else will show up in this Noir et Blanc mystery!
Meanwhile a little technological aside, I just discovered that I could schedule when my new posts would post, instead of having to do it manually!!!! Wow! Dang, I wish I had figured this out …oh, say five years ago when I started! Huzzah! ( Of course, this does not deal with my…um…tendency to finish the new ‘toon right before I post it…oh well, one thing at a time!)
Well, so much for my technological incompetence! On with today’s show!
Keep panda-ing on, being the bear, and did you buy presents and cake for the Meihem twins yet? It’s their birthday next week, so on Fabulous Furry Friday we are going to re-visit some of our Meihem cartoons!
Bob T. Panda
Sounds like Wu is the only one with a clue….
Mr Wu, the bear with a clue! Someone has to keep Inspector Panda out of trouble.
Oh Mr Wu is extremely clever – but will we ever find out why he has tape on his ear?
Yes you will, but we are going to string you along for a while. :o)))))) (We are just that kind of bear!)