Surely, you don’t want to rely on all that main stream media to hear the latest! No! You want a reliable NooZ source! One with Pandas! And cats!
You can always trust what a panda tells you!*

*Um…unless maybe if it’s Pinky or PPJ.
Hang on to your hats. It’s gonna be…um…well, you know.
Be the Bear
Bob T why isn’t this over Panda
Hey! Yes you! Did you know I have a new book collection of my ‘toons you read here? It’s Book 10 of The Panda Chronicles: Litter Box of Chaos – The Mittens years. Yes, its my political leaning ‘toons from the last 5 years and you can get it on Amazon!
If you like it, it really helps with visibility and sales if you leave a review. It doesn’t need to be long! One or two sentences saying you peed your pants you were laughing so hard or that coffee squirted out your nose. Thank you!

Book 10 is WONDERFUL!
Thank you! I had a lot of fun re-reading all the ‘toons as I put it together.