Before we fully dive into 31 Days of Pandas, we have a couple more episodes of Bears of the Baskervilles! I’m going to run them today (Tuesday) and then tomorrow (Day 1 of 31 Days of Pandas) and then we will go into our 31 Days of Pandas programming, while I figure out…um…I mean FINISH Bears of the Baskervilles. Then I will do a full recap of B of the B towards the end of the month, so it’s not too confusing as I cut in and out of other stories.
Because after 12 years of doing The Panda Chronicles, I have more than a couple holiday stories!
We have many new readers, and those who have been around for lots of this panda journey enjoy seeing them again!
So, here we go with episode 9 of …
Bears of the Baskervilles!!!!

Be sure to ‘toon in tomorrow for ANOTHER episode, and day 1 of 31 Days of Pandas!
Bethe Bear!
Bob T Panda
My favorite time of year! Hope you’ll repeat the 12 Days of Crispmoss…Pinky in a Hemlock tree! Am taking off the rest of this week, going to get my tree tomorrow. Will check to see if I can find any with a panda in it…or at least a bird’s nest.
The 12 Days of Crispmoss is DEFINITELY in the line-up! It wouldn’t be Crispmoss without it!
I can’t wait to hear the song Six and Sebben will be singing! I KNEW it was them at the door!
The multiple knocking and doorbell ringing was a clue! I wonder what they’ll sing? (Today’s toon posting shortly!)