Before we get to our weekly round-up of pandas, I just want to give voice to the thought that is in most of our minds. This Monday is Memorial Day, the day we, as Americans, pause to remember those who died protecting our country in the armed services. By tomorrow, more than 100,000 people will have died in this country from COVID 19.
Academic statistical models tell us that had we only started physical distancing and stay at home orders one week earlier, we would have less than half this number of deaths. We can’t change the past, but we can still influence the future. stay home if you can. Wear a mask if you can’t. While you still might have to go to work, do what you can to maintain distancing and stay out of crowded situations when you are able.
Do we want this all to be over? You bet! Is it going to happen immediately? Probably not. What helps me is keeping in touch with my friends and the panda online community. Is constantly reading political commentary helpful? Probably not, but it does give me some good material for ‘toons, amIright? Better to spend more time watching panda videos.
So, let’s see what pandas have to say about all this…

Whats a protest without pandas?

Hey, save some cuppycakes for me!

…and due to the International women’s day strike of 2017

Would YOU believe this panda?

Do we HAVE to go?
And, even truer now, than they were two years ago….

Just how crazy do we think it’s going to get?

Next to Mittens, we all look pretty normal, don’t we?

Someone forgot to take their meds today, I think.

Lock that cat up, for crying out loud!
We shall overcome, but only if we remember to vote, all the way up and down the ticket! Don’t forget, ‘kay?
Panda On, Everyone!
Bob T Panda
Thanks to Jon Oliver who alerted us to this great new sporting event!