Back in the real world, Pinky had a wonderful time at her birthday party, having her own cake all to herself. Bubba on the other hand, either decided it was too hot, got spooked by the huge crowd, or just decided it was time for a nap, and left his cake for his mom Mei Xiang to have her way with. Fortunately in the world of Panda Satire, the party has just begun!
So it’s one for brawl and brawl for one!

It’s not a party till the pandas start a brawl! Fortunately, Bubba has his priorities in order.
And in other panda news, the Toronto Zoo, home of the almost one year old Canadian panda twins (known to the pandaratti as the TTwinkies) Now have a panda cam!!! The cam is only operational from 9 AM – 6:30 PM Toronto time, but it is a welcome addition to people who…um…really, really, REALLY need to watch panda cams for their…um…work. check it out here! (Not during working hours, of course!)

Panda Cam Follies
Late breaking news update!!!!!
An ultrasound from Zoo Atlanta conforms Lun Lun is carrying twins. I know, I know…it’s almost impossible to tell whether pandas are pregnant or not, but now there are pictures! We are not nearly out of the woods, so let’s all clasp our paws together and wish for a safe delivery and two healthy cubs. BTW, this will put Lun Lun on top of the panda production table for US pandas, as this will be number 6 and 7. (Bai Yun had 6 before she retired after the Wu Self was born; “when you have already produced perfection, why try for more?” said the modest young Wu)
More news when we have it!
Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda
Yea, LunLun?praying for healthy cub PR cubbies?
Pseudo thumbs crossed….pacing….pacing…..
Thanks for the tip on the new cam. I’m guessing the limited hours are because they appear to have an actual camera person panning (panda-ing?) and zooming the shot to the most interesting location.
Usually the hours are determined by funding availability or training volunteers. National zoo in DC, San Diego, and Atlanta have 24 hour cams, but all started with limited viewing hours. They may expand the hours (or not) depending on recruiting volunteers to run the cams or getting more funding. I bet Unka Justin has it on in his office all day, don’t you think? Panda videos being very relaxing and all. All that world leadering and being generally awesome can be very stressful.
Oh, that Bubba! He is starting to be quite the little troublemaker to Pinky, isn’t he? 🙂
Wonderful news about Lun Lun expecting twins! Let’s pray that she’ll have a successful pregnancy and birth.
Bubba still falls for Pinky clever schemes, but he is beginning to stand up for himself, finally. He has such a sweet nature, he has a hard time believing that Pinky is as naughty as she actually is. The next series of ‘toons (starting next Wednesday, I think) has Bubba falling for yet another one of her schemes.
That’s my kind of party!! Cake, Oof & GIRLS! 🙂
It’s rare that Pinky and the Meihems get together that it doesn’t end with a brawl!
Love Bubba’s expression in the first frame. What is he thinking? It’s almost as if he’s going to break into song!
I’m pretty sure he was thinking. “How come i only have one balloon when Pinky has seventy billion?”