I was in the ferry line the other day, and I noticed that the Girl Scouts were out selling cookies! They had a captive audience, which changed every half hour. Smart! There was a whole group of scouts and moms/leaders, with multiple teams going out so that they could hit each row of cars as they waited for the next ferry. They also had a centrally located outpost with van and awning to protect the cookies in case of rain.
Before we get to our Fabulous Furry Friday Encore Presentation, I would like to pat myself on the back for breaking my previous world record in cookie balancing! Yes, I may have noted that I am the world record holder in Cookie Balancing (a soon to be olympic sport!!!) My previous world record was 23 seconds (timed from the start of nibbling a stable base, to the moment you attain balance for your cookie. The cookie then has to remain standing for at least 8 seconds.)
The new world record…ta da!!!!…is 18 SECONDS!!!!!!
And to show that this is real…

Actual balancing cookie!
And because it’s Panda Scout Cookie time…

On my honor, I will try…to eat as many cookies as I possibly can….

Princess Pinky Bao Bao…what have you done now?

Time to call in …Inspector panda!

Inspector Panda is on the job!

“Hello, Bai Yun? this is Lun Lun…about that detective you suggested…”

…of course Boo-mints are pretty good too.

Will the twins get a merit badge for their road trip? will Lun Lun fess up to where the girls are? will Inspector Panda get a clue, or at least more twitter followers. Stay tuned!

Oh, Pinky…what have you done?

Howdy, Mr Kitty, kindly tell us where a tired old cowpoke can get a boo beer and a cuppycake.
I hope you enjoyed this encore presentation of the HighwayGate saga! If you enjoy these ‘toons, consider buying my books, so you can read about bears behaving badly ALL THE TIME! Thank you!
Panda On!
Remember the Girl Scouts that were selling cookies outside the Medical Marijuana store? Now that is creativity!
That’s using their noodles!
Excellent marketing!
We need to acknowledge that Pinky is a genius of the highest order. ;0. And if the Panda Kindergarten did pick her we all know who the leader would soon be. (the saloon door was an inspired choice)
Thank you. The conclusion did seem to have a wild west vibe in my head, so….
And yes, Pinky is a genius. Usually she is an evil genius, but a genius all the same.