For the mathematically challenged among us, why can’t we have a day for PIE? In fact why can’t we have pie every day? Pandas do not live by cake alone. They must also have pie!
Enjoy! (Especially the extra whippy cream!)

What kind of pie will YOU have today?
Be the Bear!
Bob T I’ll have a cherry pie Panda
Too cute, as always, Anne!!!!
Hope you are doing well!!!
Hugs to you & the Panda Friends!!!
Doing as well as can be expected! It was sunny today, and while not exactly warm, it was warmer!
I love booberry too!
It’s the best!
Awww! Pinky does love her Boo-boo. Another one for my “heartwarming “ collection. Now waiting for Six and Sebben to “hug it out”.
Six: hahahahahaha
Sebben: as if! she has to ‘pologize first
Six: don’ hold your breath! or better yet, do! I’ll tell yoo when yoo can quit!
Sebben: meanie!
Six: hee hee!