It’s that time of year, when we look back on all that has happened in the previous 12 months. Quite frankly, other than the goings on of The Panda Chronicles, I don’t want to remember any of it, and I bet you don’t either. I did a little year in review in panda ‘toons over at my Substack page. I hope you’ll hop over and read it.
So now…where are we? The DC Pandas we have followed for so long have moved encases to China. I know that’s not how it happens in real life, but that’s how it happens here. I’m still getting to know the next generation of pandas that have moved to DC and Pandiego, so they are easing into the ‘toons here. Still no word about whether new pandas will move to Pandalanta.
Ping, Frank and Mikey, Josie, and Pookie have stayed in DC to welcome Binky Li and his girlfriend, QB and show them around the panda house.
We don’t know what is going to happen here and in the world. I’m taking one day at a time, but I don’t mind telling you, I’m kinda nervous about what Felon 45 has in store for us. We are going to try our best to keep Mittens off the ZooNooZ set.

Good thing Momma Mei left the coca pitcher for Josie!
As they say in the funny papers, see ya next year!
Be the bear
Bob T Panda
I’m glad Josie is around to keep everybody on the straight and narrow— especially Frank and Mikey! I’m nervous about 2025 too. 😔 Thank you for all the wonderful panda toons every week! 😊 Happy New Year! 🥳
Someone has to keep Frank and Mikey in line, and who better to do it than Josie?
Thanks for continuing to hang out at the Panda Cafe! We will panda on!
And a happy, healthy and sane New Year to all panda people. Keep hanging on folks.
Hanging on with all 4 paws. Happy New Year to you too.
I will stay as sane as I can.
I love that Josie is still keeping order. It takes a mommee. Just wondering what her beverage of choice will be instead of bootinis? She may need a lot of them.
I’m not sure what Josie’s adult beverage of choice might be. She has not revealed it yet.