I’m afraid once again, I have failed to finish the ‘toon planned for today on time (where DOES the time go?) so instead, we will have a re-broadcast, an Encore Presentation, if you will, of one of my favorite Holiday Classics!
It’s a WUnderful Life!
Starring the one, the only, the magnificent, Mr. Wu!

I hope you enjoyed this Encore Presentation of It’s a WUnderful Life as much as I did! Stay ‘tooned next week for our regularly scheduled ‘toon plus more holiday classics!
Be the Bear
Bob T Not obeying in advance Panda
I haven’t read “It’s A Wunderful Life” in a few years. It actually brought tears to my panda-loving eyes. Great work, Anne. Happy New Year {{ we hope!}}
I’m so glad you enjoyed our Encore Presentation of “it’s a WUnderful Life!” I quite enjoyed it myself, as I was reminded just how absolutely hilarious I am, also, that maybe I watched “It’s a Wonderful Life” a few too many times.