Every time I reread The Wizard of Wu, I am enchanted all over again! I remember watching The Wizard of Oz every year around Halloween, and I was always terrified by the flying monkeys, by the evilness of the wicked Witch of the West, the whole idea that you could be whisked away by a tornado and wake up in a frightening new world.
So, after our re-broadcast of A Halloween Carol, I thought we should also have an encore presentation of that other holiday classic, The Wizard of Wu, for our Fabulous Furry Friday presentations! (Be on the look out for some cameo appearances for the newest junior pandas on the US panda scene!)

where happy pandas eat bamboo, oh why, oh why, can’t…Wu?

We’re in for it now, Binky!

Hang on to your hats, kids, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!

I don’t think we’re in Pandiego any more, Binky….

What could be waiting outside? Where the heck ARE we, Binky?
Panda On
Bob T Panda
Ha! I just reread The Wizard of Wu last night. My dad and I watched that movie every year when I was a kid. Now I need to go back some cuppycakes.
Cuppycakes are always a good idea!
I can’t type to save my life sometimes. I’m thinking lemon cuppycakes this time.
That sounds good! Save some for me! I’m going to make a chocolate tahini cake this weekend, with tahini butter cream frosting. It tastes better than it sounds. The tahini is quite subtle, but makes the cake very moist.
Even though I know what happens I’m still on edge reading this. One of my favourite Wu adventures and one of Mehitabel’s best roles.
Yes, it is definitely one of my favorites! Mehitabel was very convincing as the Wicked Witch, wasn’t she?