Oh, yeah!
Wave your paws in the air
like there’s something stuck in there,
clap your paws,
clap your paws
and don’t stick them in your jaws
It’s a panda dance woohoo
Ahem… put your paws together because we are almost at the end of our Kickstarter campaign!

Put your paws together for the panda kindergarten!
What Bob said! Check out our Kickstarter before it goes away!
Panda on!
Bob T Panda
Ah, the little minions… as adorable and unresisdabel as lil’ princess. There is only one Pinky.
The sooner the minions get that straight the better it will work out for everyone. The panda kindergarten HAS been very helpful in “encouraging” people to support my Kickstarter campaign. (sorry about the mess in your kitchen. They “promise” they’ll be back to clean up…um…later.)
I just love the “cute” Hello Kitty flamethrower!
I cannot tell a lie. I…um…borrowed it from another blog.
Oh my! I don’t even want to know where Mehitabel is and what the Panda Kindergarten did. I do, however, love their Hello Kitty flame thrower.
yeah, it’s best not to ask too many questions when the panda kindergarten is involved! I hope they are going to be careful with the Hello Kitty flame thrower. I must admit, I did not originate the concept. I…um…borrowed it from another blog I read. Hopefully there are no sharks swimming in the nearby pond.
What an adorable bunch of “helpful” panda cubs! But they need to know there is only one Pinky and she hears all.
They are very helpful! I believe the panda with the heart bandana in Jia Yue Yue, (aka Yip) I think Pinky will …um…re-educate them a little. Not to worry!