…to let you all know that my kickstarter project has reached it’s goal!! Thank you all for watching, cheering me on and most of all contributing! People can still pledge through Noon PDST on Thursday September 20th if they want to add more on top, so that I can do more sending of books to various venues, send a book as a gift to panda keepers around the world, and do more book promotion. Getting a book into print is just the beginning! Thank you again for all your support. I look forward to sending you your copies!
you are the bears!
Bob T. Panda
Now just how cool is this???!!! Can’t wait to see the finished product!!! Congratulations – this is well-deserved, to say the least!
thank you again my good friend. thank you for being a friend to this bear! we are going to party hard! cuppycakes and marshmallows all around.
Well done each and every dollars worth! I always knew it would succeed. How soon will our cuppy cakes be arriving for idividual tasting~~~and remember we have a “Thigh Pact”. If anybody ends up with “Packed Thighs” the rest will back up any story they wish to give as a reason. ANY STORY ! ! ! Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2012 02:38:54 +0000 To: grammiecoopie@msn.com
I could not have done it without my cheerpandas! thank you again so much! more tomorrow….time to collapse
I am so excited….not to mention exhausted
more tomorrow.
thank you all
Yay! Cuppycakes!
Bring on the cuppycakes! Huzzah!
Yeah! Congratulations.
Thank you, thank you! I could have not done it with out you.