…it doesn’t mean we can’t have a round up of Halloweenie ‘toons from the past.
But first…do you know what happens this weekend?

spring back, fall forward?
And now, I think this is the very first Halloween ‘toon I did…

Trick or Trick!!!!!!!

Darn those Meihems!!!!

Okay, so this one is not strictly Halloween, but still…

Well, who did you THINK she would enlist in her final attempt to stop Mittens the cat? also not really Halloween, but VERY scary, none the less!

Okay. That was just WAY too scary.

Ha ha! That Pinky is so clever!

Will Pinky EVER quit tormenting her brother?

trouble…trouble…trouble…It starts with “T” and that rhymes with “P” and that stands for Pinky!
Hope you enjoyed your double extra pandy Friday round up! It’s been a hard week with…um…everything and on top of all the everything, there was THIS!!!
Don’t forget to VOTE!!!!!!
Panda on
Bob T Panda
Love all the Halloweenie toons! Thank you for making me laugh! Has anyone checked Mommee Mei’s blood pressure lately. She is a sane voice in all of this!
I have another question: will Ping ever say any thing other than Ping? Just asking; he is adorable just the way he is. Love his and Bubba’s new secret identities as under the undercover agents!
Hope you are doing better. I am so glad I voted early! Already thinking about what needs to be done next after the election. These ingrates who are presently in office have to go, if not this time, the next time. A never ending battle. Damn, and I used to think Barry Goldwater was a problem! He looks like a saint beside what is in the Senate now,
I hope you are having a great birthday season! Phenomenal idea! Hope you get lots of prezzies and cuppycakes!
I know that Ping understands more than he can say, and that Bubba understands Ping quite well. as for more words? let’s just say that Mei caught Pinky trying to teach him some naughty words, so language lessons (at least from Pinky) have been suspended for now. He does pick up a lot from watch TV.
Mommee Mei has definitely had to check her blood pressure lately! Between Pinky and Mittens, it’s been a tough year.