You know, it just doesn’t pay to mess with Pinky. Unless of course, you are Pinky’s mom.

And don’t even THINK about talking back to Bai Yun!
Did you see? Pinky’s little brother made an appearance. Will he be a good panda, or will he succumb to the siren song of Pinky Power and a cabinet post? Hmmm…which would be more fun?
Sorree, mommee…..
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
Beardamonium! I see cabinet posts are already being used as bear enticement – just the facts please, the bear facts!
Is Pinky not supposed to be offering cabinet posts in return for …um…favors? Hmmm…. Maybe I can use this to get an edge on Pinky. Let the mud slinging begin! Who needs facts when you have righteous indignation?
Paul I love the term Beardamonium.Too clever, too cute, & too funny.
Paul has really gotten into the spirit of things here!
Hmmm…let us speculate on what Cabinet post Junior would be appointed to. Now that he is almost THREE pounds and over a foot long, he is already a formidable presence.
I’m not sure what cabinet post Pinky has promised to her little brother. Maybe secretary of cuteness or head of the Department of Nepotism. All will be revealed…um…as soon as we know!
Meanwhile, Pinky seems to have hijacked most of the cartoons in Book 6 and now she is starring in a new story starting next Sunday. They might as well start painting the White House Pink, because she seems unstoppable. Sigh….
>>”Hmmm…let us speculate on what Cabinet post Junior would be appointed to…”
I think Pinky already has that answer — Junior’s cabinet position will be
“middle shelf on the left, next to the cuppycake mix.” I don’t think she’ll put up with a possible competitor regardless of family connections or competitive cuteness.
Pinky says: oh! How could you ebber tink I would ignore da valuable contribution that my darlink liddle brudder will bring to my campaign and administration. But dat is a good idea!
Cat. It’s Cameron Cat. (not car). Sorryeee! Small keys, big paws.
We have that problem around here too.
I love the moms! And baby brother – he is so cute. I am so enjoying this fight – I mean Presidential campaign 🙂
Don’t kid yourself. It’s a knock down drag out fight. If Pinky doesn’t win, will you give me and Mr Badger asylum in Australia?
I sure will. Mehitabel is welcome too – if you can get her through customs!
Yay! I am not sure she will make it through to the next election, but I will pack her bag just in case.
I love the expressions on the panna faces -mommies in particular- but also the anger of lil’ one… but our Pinky is so brave !! she is always ready to fight.
#Vote4Pinky #Pinky4Presydent
Moreover, Bob T., thanks for edit these cartoons, nobuddy knows how my English is improving reading The Panda Chronicles
Pinky will not give way! “Nebber give a inch!” is Pinky’s motto.
Ha ha! Thank you Teresa! I never thought that I would be in any way educational. Just goes to show you I guess. I understand some people learn English by watching television. You should probably know some of the junior pandas speak in “junior panda speak” so it’s not totally educational. :o)