I don’t know about you, but I’m getting increasingly frustrated with the “OH MY GOD I NEVER REALIZED JOE BIDEN IS OLD WE MUST DOOOOOOO SOMETHING ABOUT IT RIGHT! NOW!” narrative in the so called mainstream media and the pundit class is yelling from the rooftops.
Some of you (maybe about 150 million) seem to be unaware we have what is called a “Primary Election” that is held in different states, roughly from the end of January till the late spring. At this time, you could vote for other people who chose to run. Dean Phillips (who?) and the failed scion of the Kennedy clan ran and mostly finished behind “no voice” or “uncommitted”. Pretty far below, if I remember correctly.
Look. I don’t know if Biden is going to make it through 4 years. That’s why there is a Vice President and we have a good one. Apparently there is a faction that just noticed she is a multi racial woman, a fact they seemed to ignore while there was no chance she would actually become president if something happened to Biden. Maybe all the viable alternates didn’t run because they knew it would be a cluster*ck and maybe hand the election to TFG.
To be clear I will vote for a box of donuts if it is running as the head of the Democratic ticket, but I’m happy to vote for Handsome Joe if he is indeed the one running. He must feel like he’s under a million microscopes right now. If there is a fight at the convention, it won’t be exciting (at least not in a good way) and it won’t be fun. It will only make us weaker and lead some people to stay home and not vote at all.
And that is what Felon 45 and his ilk wants.
Meanwhile, maybe by this time next week we’ll know who FFF (Felon Forty Five, get it?) is bringing to the prom.

I’m staying as far away from the election food fight as I can.
Be the Bear
Bob T tell me when it’s over Panda
Thanks again for speaking for me! I had this conversation today with a friend and said exactly what you said. I also spoke about my unhappiness with the Washington Post and the New York Times … it seems the Republicans hold sway at both establishments. Kathryn Graham and Ben Bradley are probably having a loud discussion right now-hope they have martinis shaken not stirred at the ready! Kamala is a star in the making and she’s a fighter! The popularity of the 2025 “platform” piece is enough to show the country (especially women) where their vote should go!! THAKYOU as always
You’re very welcome. Do I wish Joe Biden was 30 years younger? You bet. But he’s not and his wealth of knowledge and connections are invaluable right now. I can’t stress enough that an “open convention” will be nothing more or less than a complete shit show. But you already know this. We must panda on and hope that this Russian smear campaign fades away as it should.The stakes are far too high to play “let’s pretend”
I did hear that the eccentric guy’s brain worm was mounting a primary challenge. It’s running as an Independent and courting Gary the Tape Worm from Katmai Alaska as a running mate.
The worms have it!
Amen sister. You express it so well. We’re lucky to have you. And so are the pandas!
Aw! I am so lucky to have you all.
“To be clear I will vote for a box of donuts if it is running as the head of the Democratic ticket”
Yum. That would be the most delicious president we’ve ever had! They would never last four years, however.
I’ve been telling people I’d vote for a ferret before voting for Trump. Too bad the US-born pandas won’t reach age 35 to run for president of the US – even if they did, the electorate would be claiming they’re too old (in panda years).
Don’t tell Pinky she is not eligible.
I think the stoats and weasels (see Wind in the Willows) are already in charge in the House.
Oh, another idea I had was to run the winner of Fat Bear Week as the democratic candidate.
ha ha ha ha! Frank really likes that idea. (He thinks he is going to win. He has a plan!)