It only seems fair that Nixon’s Ghost would want to take a victory lap after You Know Who received 34 guilty verdicts in his Manhattan fraudulent business record/election jiggery pokery trial that ended last week. Who knew the jury would return a grand slam worth of guilty verdicts? To be fair, no one KNEW, but we all hoped.
I’m going to take it as a good sign

If you need more Pinky stickers (or any of the other stickers I have over at Redbubble), they are 50% off 10 small stickers and they have free shipping for sticker only orders right now!
Be the Bear!
Bob T is not guilty Panda
At this point, I’d vote for Nixon’s ghost over Mittens. He may have been an unscrupulous dingleberry but at least he has the grace and dignity to step aside for the good of the country.
I think it was more so he wouldn’t go to jail, but whatever. He’s still better than Mittens.
One more thing about Nixon. His wife, pat Nixon fell in love with pandas and that’s how D.C. got pandas. So there’s that.
Yes indeed! We have previously opined on the Nixon Pandas! He might have done one or two other good things, but obviously, getting us some pandas was the most important.